Chapter thirteen: The Other Kids

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A few days later, Mark opened the door to my room. "Hey, Scarlett. Hey, hey, Scarlett." He said, gently shaking me awake.
"Hm? What is it?" I grumbled, opening my eye.
"You gotta get up and dressed. We're going somewhere."
"Where?" I asked, throwing my legs over the side of the bed.
"We're going to see the other kids."
"The other kids?" Did Mark have other kids?
"Yeah! Like the kids of Jack, Felix, y'know." Mark had a childlike gleam of excitement in his eyes.
"Oh. They have kids?" I felt excited. Mark nodded.
"Yeah! You need to get ready. Can you wear one of my shirts?" Mark pulled a shirt with his logo on it out of my drawer. I nodded and sent Mark out of the room. I quickly changed into that shirt, baggy jeans, and a red hoodie. I shuffle down the stairs.
"There you are." Mark handed me a granola bar and a box of cheezits. "Pack up some food, the ride won't be short." I nodded and packed what I had in my hand plus some sodas, fruit, more granola bars, and all sorts of chips. I threw the bag over my shoulder. "Ready?" Mark asked.
"What does it look like?" I smirked. Mark laughed and ruffled my hair.
"Cmon squirt, we gotta go." We shoved our stuff into the car and we were off. About an hour later, we pulled up to a huge house. "This is it." Mark remarked as he helped me out of the car.
"Who's house is this?" I asked.
"Dan and Phils. I believe you know them." I nodded, awestruck. "Ok, go on in." Mark said as we came to the door. I pushed it open. It was big and fabulous inside.
"Mark!" Two voices yelled in unison. Out of nowhere, Dan and Phil appeared. "Hey, Mark." Dan said. "Is this your little one?" I nodded.
"Nice to meet you." Phil said, shaking my hand. "Everyone else is out on the patio." He pointed back from where he came. I nodded and went out to the patio. There, Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie and Marzia, CinnamontoastKen, CaptainSparklez, and Matthias and Amanda were sitting. I couldn't hold in a squeal of excitement. All heads turned to me.
"Scarlett!" Everyone yelled. Jack got up and hugged me. "It's great to meet you in person!"
"You too!" I hugged him back. He let go, and Pewdiepie came up to me.
"Hey little one." He held out his fist for a brofist, but I just hugged him. "Woah." He said, but hugged me back. CinnamontoastKen, CaptainSparklez, and Matthias all happily greeted me.
"Oh, I want you to meet someone." Jack said. "Hey Ellie!" He yelled into the forest that was Dan and Phils backyard. Someone came bursting out of the woods and ran onto the patio.
"Hey Dad!" She said. She was a girl about my age, with short brown hair and blue eyes. Her bangs were dyed a pinkish purple. She had a septiceye Sam t-shirt. She gasped. "Is this Scarlett?" Jack nodded, smiling. "Hi!" She said to me. "I'm Elliot Mae McLoughlin, but you can call me Ellie or Ellie Mae if you want." She grabbed my hand. "You wanna meet everyone else?"
"Great! Follow me!" She ran down the steps of the patio and into the woods, and I followed close at her heels. She stopped under a treehouse and yelled, "Hey guys! Scarlett's here!" I heard noises and a hand threw down a rope with a huge bucket attached to the end. "Go on in." Ellie said.
"Is this safe?" I looked skeptically at the bucket.
"Yeah, we've done this a million times." She replied. I stepped into the huge bucket, and I felt a jerk. I was being pulled up into the treehouse. I glanced at the thick tree trunk, and saw Ellie climbing up the tree using a set of planks. She gave me the thumbs up. Suddenly I heard a loud clank on the side of my bucket. I looked over, and I was face to face with the entrance to the tree house.
"Cmon in!" A voice said. I stepped out of the bucket and into the treehouse. Ellie came in right behind me. "Heya!" A kid with dark skin and short dark hair came into view. "Hi, I'm Sam." Sam said.
"Sam's androgynous." Ellie whispered to me. Sam nodded.
"I'm CinnamontoastKen's kid." Sam smiled. They were wearing a CinnamontoastKen t-shirt.
"Cool." I said. Then, a little boy about 6 wearing a Dan and Phil shirt came up to me.
"What happened to your arm?" He asked, poking my half-arm. I blushed.
"Leo, manners." An older boy also wearing a Dan and Phil shirt said, pulling Leo away. He had black hair, like Leo, but he had a streak of blond in this hair. "I'm sorry about that." He said. "My name is Gabe, and I think you heard this is Leo." I shook his hand.
"Dan and Phil are our dads!" Leo remarked.
"So I saw." I said, getting on one knee to shake his hand.
"Hey bro!" A female voice said. I got up and turned around to find myself face to face with a tall girl with dark brown hair. She had muddy brown eyes and wore a Pewdiepie shirt. "I'm Stella."
"Hey, I'm Scarlett." I said, smiling.
"Great to meet you, Scarlett." Stella smiled.
"You too!" I replied. I heard a noise, and turned around. I looked out the window. There was nothing, then an upside-down face appeared in the window. I jumped. The face laughed.
"Hey kid, I'm Henry." The person said. He put his arm through the window for me to shake. I shook it, and he then climbed through the window. He was a full head taller than me, with shaggy black hair. A girl tumbled in after him. She was a bit shorter than him, with light brown hair. "I'm CaptainSparklez' son, and this is Leia, Matthias' daughter." Leia waved.
"Heyo!" She smiled. She gave me a high-five.
"Shall we play a game?" Ellie asked.
Sam and Stella nodded. "Yes!" Leo exclaimed.
"Ok, let's pretend we're foragers in the forest." Everyone else eagerly agreed, including me. We played for a while until we heard Jack yell,
"TIME FOR DINNER!" We all ran back towards the house, looking starved. I was having a bunch of fun.

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