Chapter Forty-Five: The Fair

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"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."
A/N: Here's the last of my "chapter bomb," as I call it.

     "Hey." I said to Elliot, who was standing in the doorframe.
     "Hi." He replied. I stepped back to let him in.
     "Elliot, you're wearing glasses." Was the first thing Aris said. She was sitting on the couch in the living room.
     "Nice to see you too." Elliot laughed. I noticed the black-rimmed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. Aris stuck out her tongue at him. He sighed. "Are y'all ready to go?" He said.
     "Y'all is ready." Aris said. We laughed and headed out the door after I yelled a goodbye to Mark. "Where are we going?" Aris asked as we walked down the street, swinging her bag on her shoulder.
     "Oh, you'll hear it." Elliot said with a small laugh. Sure enough, a roar swept through the air.
     "A concert?" I guessed.
     "Well, kinda, it's a fair, with rides. But there is music. Jeffrey's performing in the..." Elliot stopped to remember. "Gifted singers form the Los Angeles area performance."
     "Well, good for him!" I said, trying to clap my hands but failing for obvious reasons. We walked for a while, and finally got to the ticket booth.
     "Three tickets please." Elliot said to the lady in the booth.
     "That will be fifteen dollars please." The lady said with a smile. Aris and Elliot argued over money for a while. They eventually agreed and we all got bright green wristbands and tickets. We took a seat on a bench and talked about what to do with our time.
     "So I think we should go on some of the faster rides first, then get some food, and the show starts at 6:30, and we can go on some more rides when that's finished." Elliot offered. "You guys okay with that?" He pushed his glasses up his nose (I pushed my glasses up my nose when I wrote that lol).
     I nodded. "I haven't been on rides in a while." I admitted.
     "Oh you'll love it." Elliot promised.
     "Ooh! How about that?" Aris exclaimed, pointing to a ride. It had a poster in front of it saying "spinning top." From what I could tell, it spins and tilts you and you're laying flat afainat the sides with almost no protection. I didn't want to do it, but I also didn't want to let my friends down. I swallowed.
     "Sure." I mumbled.
     "Great, the line's short." Aris aid excitedly, clapping her hands together.
     "Great." I muttered sarcastically. We got on and stood in slots next to each other. My stomach was turning cartwheels, and my heart was beating almost as fast as when... I shook the thought from my head. Just then a robotic voice played over the megaphone.
     "Hold tightly, bend your knees, and don't jump. The rotating energy will keep you secure." I whimpered. I didn't trust the robotic voice, and I gripped on to the handlebar so hard my knuckles turned white. I wish I had two arms. "Enjoy the ride." Said the voice. The ride started to spin, slow at first, but then faster. My body was pressed against the wall, and I squealed out of fear. The ride stopped after a while, and I stumbled out, holding my head.
     "You okay?" Aris asked, putting her arm on my back.
     "I'm fine, just dizzy." I said. In actuality, my cuts were hurting like heck. Something about the spinning, I guessed.
     We made our way to the stage, and stood close to the front. The stage was all lit up with colored lights and flashing colors, and we exchanged excited glances. The announcer started speaking. "Welcome everyone to our first annual gifted young singers performance!" We cheered. A young girl came up first with a ukulele. She had long curly caramel hair put up in pigtails. She strummed her ukulele and started singing.

Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true

Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise
I'm by your side

Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me

     She had a pretty smile and a light, sweet voice. I smiled. That song reminded me of my parents, my old ones. This is one of my favorite songs. She finished the song and left, and next was a boy and a girl who sang a song called "Paris" that I didn't really recognize. The song wasn't that great anyway, but you can bet your bottom dollar the voices were. I popped a French fry I got from the concession stand into my mouth. Then, Dante and two other boys came onstage. I glowered at them. They were the bullies. They played LA Devotee by Panic! At the Disco, and I hate to say it, wait, no I don't, they sucked. Dante kept smiling and looking at me. I looked down at my fries. That was not a friendly or flirty smile. It was a mischievous smile, like he was about to pull a prank on me. I looked away, but could feel his eyes on me. I tried my best to ignore him. When they finished, they left the stage and were putting stuff into a bag suspiciously. They looked like they were trying to drag Jeffrey along with them to where ever they were going, but he refused.
     "Now everyone, for the finale, the four best 15 and under singers in LA! Give it up for them!" The announcer announced. Four people came on to the stage. A girl with short brown hair, two boys that looked like brothers, with blond buzz cuts, and Jeffrey. He looked petrified. I must have looked like that when... I shook my head. Not the time, nor place. I waved to him, and he smiled in our direction.
     "Hi everyone." One of the blond boys said. He had blue rimmed glasses and clear blue eyes. The audience exploded with cheers and I cringed at the sudden sound. "We will be performing 'Death Of A Bachelor.'" He announced. The music started and the boy started singing.

Do I look lonely?
I see the shadows on my face
People have told me
I don't look the same

     Then the girl stepped up to the microphone and sang her part.

Maybe I lost weight
I'm playing hooky, with the best of the best
Put my heart on my chest, so that you can see it too

     To my surprise, Jeffrey sang next. Jeffrey, the most shy kid you ever will meet, singing in front of this huge crowd.

I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall
The lace in your dress tingles my neck, how do I live?

     All of them then:

The death of a bachelor
Letting the water fall
The death of a bachelor

     When they finished, there was silence for a few seconds. My ears rang. Then the audience erupted with applause. Since I couldn't clap, I drummed on the table and hooted. Jeffrey flushed and leaned into the mic. "Thank you." He said shakily. The announcer came out again. "Give it up for Amanda Simm, Jeffrey Stevens, and James and Lloyd Ball!" He called out. They made their way offstage and I could see Lily run over to Jeffery out of the corner of my eye. She looked like she was laughing. Or crying. Probably both.
    Most of the crowd cleared out, and we were left there. "Ferris Wheel?" Aris finally suggested.
     Elliot and I giggled. "Why not?" I said.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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