'Ca-Leo' A Calypso and Leo Story

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'C'mon Festus! Can't you fly any faster? We...we gotta get there now,' Leo whined. Festus creaked and squeaked angrily. He turned his head forty-five degrees and glinted his ruby-red eyes at Leo. Leo looked down in shame and squeezed his eyes shut. 'I'm sorry man, just please, please...'

Why was Leo whining? Festus was perfect, even just as a masthead, but now, he was better: He had a body now! Leo made sure that every single circuit was in pristine condition. Festus wouldn't be falling or dripping oil from his ear again. He could fly even faster than before, Leo got rid of any useless parts and replaced everything with 'Celestial bronze 2.0'. It was something he and his siblings whipped up, it was lighter and stronger than just ordinary Celestial bronze.

'We have to get there in time! Before...before someone else-'


'We're there!? But Nyssa and I did calculations! The journey would be at least 5 hours!'

Squeak! Cri-Creak!

 Some magic was at work here, how could a supposed 5 hour journey be half-an-hour long? Leo leaned over just enough to see Festus's face, and the dragon was smiling a sly grin. You sly dragon, when we get back to camp, I'm gonna have to do some investigating Leo thought. Then when Leo looked at the horizon a beautiful beach, worthy enough to be a 5-star resort, came into view. Just say, I want to leave Ogygia. 

'Hello, Ogygia...'

'Let's land Festus! But, uh, try to make it quiet, just like we practiced boy. Just like we practiced.' 

As lame as it sounded, Leo had practiced landing quietly and surprising Calypso. In the forge at camp, he would pretend that Nyssa would be Calypso and he would sneak up and yell, 'SURPRISE!' But the problem was that Nyssa would fling anything she was working on at him. Another skill Hephaestus kids had: Flinging incredibly dangerous items at their siblings and sending them to the infirmary...several times. He hoped that Calypso wouldn't react that way too. He still remembered his visit to Ogygia vividly. Her cinnamon scent, her beef stew simmering for dinner, and how could he forget: the kiss which left his lips tingling. He couldn't wait to land.

Festus slowly and gently descended on the island. It was evening time. Just in time for dinner he thought. 

As soon as they landed, Leo described the 'plan' to Festus:

'Okay Festus, you stay here and stay hidden! When I say "Meet Festus!" you come out and blow a little fire, just for pizzazz, 'kay?'


'Okay bud, wish me luck!' 

Leo walked a bit up the shore, dug himself a mini crater and yelled at the top of his lungs:


Cricket cricket cricket cricket

Just give her a minute, she must be,uh, caught up wind spirit traffic. Yes...wind spirit traffic..

Just when Leo was about to give up, a girl in a white cotton top and dirty jeans walked out, but something was different. Was it that she was a bit taller or that she had a blindfold on?

'Ca-Leo' A Calypso and Leo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now