Heading on Home- Part Two...

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A/N: Yeah guys it's the same ol' story, Imma procrastinator etc. etc., you know the drill. AANNNYYYWAAAAYYY 

♥♦ENJOY!! ♥♦


Leo awoke to the sounds of waves on a beach. Just waves on a beach. Where were the seagulls? The people? His eyes fluttered open, but his vision was blurry. He lay on the beach face down with his head turned to one side and limbs akimbo.

'L-Leo?.....' A weak, timid voice called out. 'Leo?'
'Uuughhh...'  he groaned, 'Yeah...' He pushed himself up and looked around for the source of the voice. Looking around, he saw Calypso: lying on her back and her hair spread all over the place. He ran over to her and lifted her head and noticed her breathing was faint. 

'Calypso? Calypso...' Her eyes were shut. This wasn't looking good...

'I am never riding your stupid dragon again, Valdez.' Her lips formed into a smile and she opened her eyes, revealing her beautiful bronze eyes. He helped her up and pulled her into a kiss then pulled away.

'Stop scaring me like that, I can't lose you that fast.' Leo play-chided. Calypso looked around. 

'Look around. Looks like we're back where we started.' she stated. He looked around and after doing so much to get away, they were back where they started. 'Is this another part of "flashback"?' He asked. Calypso shrugged. 'I dunno...I've never come back here before'

Then a bloodcurdling scream broke the peaceful silence. Calypso and Leo looked each other in the eye then ran towards the source of the scream. 

Getting to the source was a lot harder than Leo imagined. When Leo first washed up on shore, there was a main path to the cave, but now, he and Calypso had to push through what seemed like an eternal jungle. 

'Gods' He said panting,' I don't remember any of this!' A leaf smacked him in the face. 'AGH!'

'Neither do I, now hurry up Valdez!' Calypso chided.

After running through what seemed like the Amazon, Leo an Calypso stumbled upon a clearing. There on her knees, was Calypso, the first one....the second one? Calypso 2? Calypso 2 was kneeling just in front of the cave. She had new clothes on, a pristine white chiton with a braided bronze-colored belt. Her arms and legs, healed of any cuts or bruises. And her hair done in a neat braid down one side. Why was she screaming? Could it be because she's stranded on her new prison? Leo pondered No schist, Valdez...Her next scream broke Leo's train of thought.

'NO! I DON'T DESERVE THIS! FORGIVE ME!' In a smaller voice, she whispered,'Please. Take me back.' Leo turned to Calypso, her face was covered in shock and sadness.

'I-I just wanted to show you the throne room...not this.' She, Calypso 1, admitted. Then Leo's favorite 'Lord of the Sky' decided to come.


 'Calypso,' He rumbled. 'I'm here to help you.'

'I don't need you to help me!' She hissed.

'Oh but you do, you see this is your new, hm, how shall I call it 'home'.' He smirked with pure pleasure. Every fiber in Leo's being felt like he should wack Zeus on the back of his head and wipe that smirk off his face. But he held himself back. Zeus continued,'Every few thousand years, the Fates will send you a hero. But this hero, can never stay. None of them can ever stay. And the best part, you cannot help but fall in love with them. That is your true punishment.' Leo turned towards her, the other Calypso and tears started streaking her face falling onto the earth below. 

'Why? Why would you do such a thing?' She asked. But Zeus didn't respond. 

'Goodbye Calypso.' A flash of lightning ended the conversation and a wave of darkness pulled Leo and Calypso away from the scene. Away from the island. Away from the past. More importantly, towards safety.

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