Final's Author Note

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Hey! It's been 6 years since I last updated this story and I'm sorry to say that I won't be updating it. I'm a college student now so needless to say I've kind of forgotten where I wanted to go with this story, but I'm so happy all of you enjoyed everything I wrote. I was only 13 so the fact many of you wrote positive comments and asked for more made my day every time I came to check up on this story. 

Looking back, I'm extremely proud of myself for writing and publishing this story, putting myself out there. If any of you are debating on whether or not to publish that story hanging out in your drafts, do it. Writing this gave me the confidence I needed to write more and now I'm pursuing a degree in screenwriting. 

Thank you guys for everything! 

Also, this was really shitty of 13 year old me, but I didn't credit the artist of the image I used for my cover and it is Faith92 on Deviantart ( 

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