Heading on Home

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Author's note:

SOOOOOO SORRY GUYS ABOUT NOT UPDATING IN LIKE FOREVER!! The thing is I'm a huge procrastinator, so that kind of explains everything...HOPE YOU LOVE THE STORY SO FAR!! I'm gonna try an update once or twice a week depending on my schedule, I have a bunch of tests coming up, and i decided to finish this part ASAP. I'm pulling my hair out trying to come up with more parts, so i would LOVE suggestions in these comments or on g+. (this is my first author's note, so it kinda sucks..ANYWAAAAYYYY

Bye and 再 见!!!

♦♥ 'nu (<--- that's my nickname) out! ♦♥

The wind roared in Leo's ears. Calypso's hair flew behind her and ending up in his mouth sometimes.

'So..What was it like?' The silence was getting too awkward.

She didn't turn. 'What was what like?'

'On Ogygia.'

She finally turned and in the silvery moonlight, Leo almost fainted of her beauty. Her eyes were a bright bronze, her hair was in a loose braid and her dirty blonde hair looked dull, but her face shone. She smirked. 'What exactly do you wanna know Valdez?' Leo wanted to giggle like a fan girl, She called me Valdez!!

Leo managed to answer,'We've got time. Let's start from the beginning.' 

Calypso grabbed Leo's hand. 'Let me show you.'

Then, there was darkness.

Suddenly they weren't on Festus anymore, they weren't really anywhere. Just big, black space.

'Calypso,' Boomed a thunderous voice

Leo's eyes flew open. He found himself sprawled on an ivory white marble floor. His head throbbed and vision was blurry.

'Ugh...where in Hades are we?' Leo put his hand to where his head hurt and grimaced in pain. He scanned his surrounding and behind the next piller, Calypso stood gracefully, but her eyes locked on something in the distance. 'Calypso did someone call you?'

'SHHH! I'm not sure if they can hear you. And yes, someone did call me, just not me me.'

'That clears up everything,' Leo mumbled under his breath. He steadied himself on the piller just infront of him and his vision cleared and so did his understanding.

The room, if you could call it a room was huge, and not like 'football field huge' but what appeared to be the size of the Colleseum. Leo couldn't see the end of the room because after 100 yards the room was covered with darkness. He looked up, and 100 yards up was domed roof with intricate designs, that depicted all the Olympians. Hermes was a few feet from the center. He held a winged staff with intertwined snakes. Hadn't Percy said something about snakes? Maggie and Garet? Marge and Guillaume? Whatever, it doesn't matter. Leo thought. On the other side also a few feet from the center were the twin archers, Artemis and Apollo. Apollo held his lyre (What was he going to do? Play a song and kill me?) and had a smirk that could melt even Clarrise's heart. Artemis looked like the exact opposite of her twin. She had a bow in ready position with a steely look that could freeze any boy. Leo peeked behind the piller to get a better view about what was happening. When he saw 'her', Leo's heart almost broke into a million pieces. Infront of him was a girl with dirty blond hair and in shakles, they were on her wrists and ankles tightly. Her chiton was covered with grime and in tatters. The girl was looking down, so Leo couldn't see her face but he knew who she was...

'Calypso! It is rude to not answer when asked, especially by a god. I will ask again and you will answer! Do you object to the crimes that you have commited.'

She lifted her head and Leo's heart broke. Her face was covered with scratches and a large gash went from her left ear to the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were puffy. She was on the verge of tears, but held it in to look dignified.
'I..I object,' she said in a quiet voice. Then louder,' I OBJECT!'

'Oh? Is that so?' boomed Zeus. He had a twinge of surprise in his voice but it was like he was expecting her to do so. 'Why is that? You supported the Titans in their war against us. You are an enemy to the Olympians. You must be punished.'

Shakled Calypso looked like she wanted to scream and burst into tears. Leo looked over to his Calypso, who was hiding behind the neighboring pillar and saw the same expression. He ran over to her to comfort her, but it was clear she wanted to be left alone. He wanted to punch the gods in the face for what they were doing, but once he saw them, he knew he was no match.

They were all sitting in their 'personalised' thrones, sitting royaly with no expression. All of them in their royal chiton and of course with their weapon of choice in their hand. The gods were 15 feet tall and had a golden aura surrounding them. The whole throne room radiated extreme power. Zeus looked the most powerful and had the strongest aura. In his hand was a huge lightning bolt about twice Leo's height. The Master Bolt. Leo thought. On Zeus's left was his brother Poseidon, but his aura had a slight blue color to it, and in his hand was a huge trident 12 feet tall covered with barnacles and starfishes. Ares had a red aura with a deadly sharp spear I hand. Leo's dad, Hephaestus, was tinkering with some gears, but looking up every now and then with a pained look in his eyes. Do something Dad. Anything Leo begged. But he kept building. All of the Olympians sat there, and left Calypso to her own demise. 

'Calypso, you are to be banished for eternity. And your true punishment will be worse than solitude. Take her away.' Zeus's voice woke Leo up from his daydream.


Every step she took, her shakles jingled and Leo could hear her sobbing. He looked away and saw Young Calypso crying. He turned her around and swung his arms around and held tightly. Her face was buried into his jacket and his chin resting on top of her head.

'It's okay,' Leo cooed. 'I'm here. Everything's going to be alright. Shh..it's okay.'

Then suddenly the scene changed. Not again Leo thought. He held on to Calypso and they moved through the darkness.

'Ca-Leo' A Calypso and Leo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now