Welcome back to Ogygia

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'Look, all you have to say is ''I want to leave Ogygia.'' Take the raft and think about where you want to go. And, uh, take this.' She tossed a backpack that seemed really light. 'It has everything you might need. Goodbye.' And she stormed up the pathway.

Halfway up the pathway, Leo found his voice,'Calypso...?' He asked. Her luscious hair flew as she turned and her jaw dropped. 'It's me, Leo. What's with the blindfold, sunshine?'

'LEO! You're-How did-Why? OH MY GODS, YOU'RE HERE!' She took of her blindfold and threw it to the ground. She raced towards Leo while tears began to stain her face.

'Holy Hephaestus girl, you've got a grip!' Leo could feel her tears soaking into his, now fireproof (thanks to Calypso), army fatigue jacket. 'C'mon, we gotta go!'

'Go where?' Calypso asked, although the answer seemed fairly obvious.

'Away from Ogygia, that's where..' She looked up into his eyes.

'Leo...I-I can't and you know why.'

'Ah-ah-ah, before you couldn't, but now, you can! MEET FESTUS!' Leo raised his arms in a 'Ta-da' gesture and grinned like psycho on Friday the 13th. 'Ah-hem, I said, "MEET FESTUS!"' 

Cricket cricket cricket

'Ya know what, I'll just get him myse-'


Festus walked out from the trees, got up on his hind legs and flapped his wings. He screeched in a way Leo had never heard. Show-off, Leo thought

'Uh...Leo, that's a dragon. A bronze dragon.'

Sigh 'Yes, yes it it. And this m'lady is your get-away vehicle. So! Let's get packing!'

Calypso caught Leo's hand and tore up the hill. 'I only need two things: My loom and a couple of flowers' Once they reached the cave, she handed Leo a box, the kind that you'd put outside an apartment window for a mini garden. 'C'mon, I'll show you the flowers.' Calypso led Leo to an area where the sea couldn't be seen and the 'jungle' was only a few feet away. 'My beloved Moonlace, Middle-mist, and Koki'o. Hold these, I'll be right back, just need to get my loom!' As she ran off, Leo heard her squealing, 'HE CAME! HE REALLY CAME!' But then, three feet behind Leo...


A blinding flash startled Leo and nearly knocked him over. Where he thought the lightning struck and man appeared. He wore a pinstriped grey suit with a tie that kinda gave it all away, it was patterened with lightning bolts. He had a stylish 5 'o' clock shadow, piercing blue eyes (that reminded Leo of a girl he once met), furrowed thunder-cloud grey eyebrows, and a typical business man hairstyle: A comb-over, which usually indicated that the wearer was balding, but this man wasn't even close to bald. 

'Zeus...' Leo managed to squeak. 'Um, what can I do for you....sir?' Was he supposed to call the Lord of the sky, 'Sir', 'Lord', or just plain ol' 'Zeus'? He went for the 'I'm-not-that-intimidated-by-you' option. 

'Leo Valdez,' Zeus said calmly, it reminded Leo about the sound thunder makes in the distance. 'What exactly do you think you're doing? Helping Calypso escape from her home?' It was clear he meant to say prison instead of home.

'I'm doing exactly what you think I'm doing: Helping her leave Ogygia. And I don't see the problem in that.'

'She is to be punished for her heinous crime, supporting the Titans in their first war against us.'

'Don't you think three thousand years is more than enough....sir?!' Uh-oh, that came out as if Leo wanted to get struck down by lighting, but he didn't apologize this is how he really felt. 'Didn't Percy Jackson ask you to forgive your old enemies? Did you conveniently forget about this girl?! How long will you keep breakin-'

'ENOUGH!' Zeus was giving off small sparks and his voice rumbled with anger. 'You are testing my patience, she is to be kept here until the end of time. Or until I forgive her of her mistakes'

'Yeah? And when's that gonna happen? I'm taking her now, and I don't care what you have to say.' Man, Calypso is going to be real sad when she sees Leo burnt to a crisp on her beach.

'Leo!' Calypso yelled from her cave. 'Can you help me with this loom? It's a lot heavier than I expected!'

'Sure, gimme a second!' He walked up to Zeus and gave him the box of flowers. 'Hold these for me will ya.' Zeus was so startled by Leo order he held out his hands and held them with a look of shock and anger on his face. 'Thanks sir.' Leo sauntered off to Calypso's cave. A few minutes later he and Calypso came out with the loom, she nearly dropped the loom when she saw Zeus holding her flowers. She ran up him and grabbed the box from him. Where he held the box where burn marks and a scowl was on his face.

'I-I-I am so sorry Lord Zeus, whatever Leo did I'm sure he's very sorry about it, aren't you Leo?' She gave him a look so sour and shot him a message, What in Hades did you do?! 

Leo snorted. It reminded him of the time his mom made him apologize for burning one of his Aunt Rosa's dresses. She deserved what Leo gave her, but he had to apologize. 'Sorry.'

'You're very lucky Valdez that your father told me not to harm you or I would be a laughing stock of Olympus again. Good bye Calypso'

'WAIT!' Leo yelled. 'Aren't you forgetting something?'

If it was possible Zeus's scowl got even angrier. 'I, Zeus, free Calypso from this island and may she never have to return.'

In a second flash, Zeus was gone. Leo's mischievous smile returned. 'You're welcome'

Calypso's smile also returned. 'Let's just get out of here Valdez.'

Leo did what he thought was the perfect New York taxi cab whistle and Festus appeared from the jungle. 'Let's go, boy. After you m'lady.' He bowed down, put one hand behind his back and swept one hand towards Festus.

'Why thank you m'lord.' She curtsied.

Leo climbed up Festus and sat behind Calypso. He secured everything and made sure the astrolabe was stil working. Yep, it still was, but Leo doubted he would ever need it again.

'Any last words before we leave Calypso?'

'No. Let's go.' Calypso said coldly.

'Oh-kay. Let's fly Festus, back to Camp Half-Blood.' Within a minute Festus was up in the air and Ogygia was just a speck in the horizon. Just say I want to leave Ogygia. 

'I want to leave Ogygia..' Leo muttered under his breath

'Ca-Leo' A Calypso and Leo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now