His Darker Days

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Hunters P.O.V.***

I can't help it. It's in my nature.

So why am I ashamed of it?

Suddenly the man chained up on the table screamed in agony.

Oh right, because I'm a killer.

I watched him struggle and beg for freedom. But he wasn't going to get out of the chains, I made sure they were on tight.

"Please let me go!!!! God please!"

His pleading was pointless. I felt nothing for him, no sympathy, no regret, no pain. He was just another kill. Another countless victim that I had no encounters with what-so-ever.

I didn't even know his name.

I pulled out my tools and selected one as if I was picking from a toy box.

What to choose?

I picked a syringe that was consumed with a lethal arsenic fluid. It would kill him only slowly but painfully and it would take a matter of hours. Maybe even a day if he was lucky.

I decided to pick something else. Something more satisfying. I rummaged through all my surgical tools and found nothing really.

"Please! I got money! You like money right!? I can give you my whole account!! Anything you want!"

He was stalling. The excuse he was trying to give wasn't even all that convincing. Money was a necessity so yes, I would venture to think everyone would like it.

Little does he know I don't need it.

I finally saw what I wanted to use but it was bound to be bloody. I didn't mind it, just cleaning was the real issue. I picked up the sludge hammer that had been next to me and examined it.

Yup this should do.

The man saw my weapon of choice and cried out in fear.

I looked at my watch, it was 9:58 p.m. I grabbed the handle tightly and edge closer to him. The mans eyes shot wide with fear. His head thrashed from side to side as he cried harder.

"No!!! Get the fuck away from me man!!"

To late. I lashed out the hammer straight down and shattered his jaw. The man made a gurgling cry. I didn't kill him, I only managed to break his jaw. I swung again and again shattering his skull, breaking his nose, and crushing the living life out of him. I hardly was aware that he died after my third strike to the head. Once I managed to stop, I took a step back seeing the blood pool mess.

Victim : Dead.

Without any hesitation I moved automatically on what I needed to do next. I take a picture of the victim, put the body into the inferno, clean the mess, and then after I finish I lock everything up in the cellar.

"So is he dead?" the leader,Gideon, asked me. Tall, carmel-headed, and athletic, he stood inches away from me while leaning against the wall.

I threw him the evidence of the picture of the mans corpse. He smiled seeming amused for another trophy he liked to collect. That was the only reason why I took the pictures, for his pride.

"Holy shit! That's brutal!" Barney said, and eagerly moved in closer to Gideon to see the picture. He was always the excited one when he saw my kills. Barney, out of all of us, saw the joy out of the littlest things, even when they are the most gruesome.

Then the rest of the team came in the room, Damien, Callum, and Astro. The three trouble makers. Before they were recruited into the team, they'd taken things into street fighting. The top best fighters some would say but I think they are complete amateurs.

Damien, had long bleach hair and a thin pinched face. He was always licking his lips. Callum was the bigger of the three. He was good looking and would have been with all the girls if he wasn't so short-tempered. Astro was the smallest but the smartest. Usually you would find him the reliable one in the group. The three of them together were inseparable, always laughing at each other's jokes and never taking things seriously.

"Nice work finisher." Damien said to me impressed.

He would always call me by my position name. Each of us had a certain place in the group but at the same time we were all killers. My position however was more of an automatic command. I was the one to not say no to anything I killed or have any background of emotions.

"Robert Hills was a hard guy to find. Now he'll be the last of our worries." Astro said, shaking his head.

So that was the mans name, Robert Hills. I didn't know whether or not if he was innocent or dangerous nor could I care less.

Gideon smiled at all of us."We did good this week. Now all there is left is for Astro to fake the scene and will be assigned our next marked person." he said while giving hi fives to the guys.

I dismissed myself from their rejoice. I never really found the point of celebrating with them. In fact I never do anything with them at all.

I see them all as just my teammates.
Not friends or brothers, just people I know. They know to keep their distance from me and I stay my distance from them. I shut myself away and stay isolated in my thoughts.

"Hunter." I turned and saw Gideon who had called me.

"Again great work, you really did a number on him. Now your free to go back home." he said patting my shoulder. His lips curved into a nice smile.

Gideon was always trying too hard to impress me, it was easy to tell. Since he was the new replaced leader he was making sure we all liked him. He was doing a good job of fooling the others and now they all think their best friend groupies.

Unlike them I'm just waiting until his true colors show.

"Thanks." I said dryly and left to the back door way. Before I went I could hear them cheer in triumph once again.

Why wasn't I the one cheering as well? Shouldn't I be excited that I kill for a living? Or be relived that it was over?

The fact of the matter was, it's never over.

There was no excitement for the things I do. There was nothing to laugh about.

My whole life it seems, it was built around this society. This group. Yes, a small part of me is ashamed of this dark secret I posses. But the other bigger part, I just don't care. Now, I just wait for the next victim.

A/N: I hope you guys liked Hunters take on things. This is just the start of something that just came to mind but I would love everyone's opinion!! Please vote and comment below! Love you guys!!

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