Chapter 4

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Jocelyn's P.O.V.***

The man staggered sideways, his legs shook uncontrollably,then his body gave out and toppled on the hard concrete.

That's when my instincts suddenly kicked in and I ran over to him as if I knew what I was doing. But in all honesty, all I really knew was that this man needed a hospital and some serious medical attention. I crouched over next to him, nervous beyond words.

"S-s-sir it's g-g-gonna be ok." I stammered, having no control over my shaky voice.

Shit crackers! Shit crackers! What do I do? What should I say?! I don't how to handle this kind of stuff! Ok ok.. just relax and help him out.

Examining him first, my eyes immediately caught sight of his injury and was suddenly overpowered with nausea. It looked to be infected. A purplish, greenish color rimmed around the cut, the bone extended forward out of place. A never ending blood stream seeped out of him.

"Please keep me away from them!" his voice croaked, sounding desperate and strained. I looked around every direction cautiously, but there was no one.

Who was them?

Did it matter?

I couldn't make sense of what was happening. Couldn't think straight. What do you do in these types of situations? Right, call 911!

My hand fumbled for the phone in my back pocket. My fingers trembled in dialing the number.

Come on, come on, pick up!

No service.

I cursed under my breath and looked at the man. He lied there, repeating the words between sobs.

"Please keep me away from them."

I looked back and heard something, but couldn't see a thing. Like there was a tree branch that snapped or something. Whatever or whoever it was he escaped from, must be near.

Fudge balls!! I had to do something! Leaving him was out of the question because it would be inhumane of me to do. I mean he's already in terrible shape and who knows what else could happen if I just left. I had to think quick.

I grabbed him from under his arms and lifted him up. He felt like dead weight and was surprisingly heavy for his size considering he was skinny to the bone. Maybe it's just me and my weak arms. God I need to work out.

The man gasped and winced in pain, his eyes flickering closed.

"It's all right," I assured him. "I'm getting you to safety."

I dragged him across until we reached the passenger side of my car. I opened it wide enough for me to help him inside. It took a superman effort to getting him in but eventually I got the task done. Once the man was situated, I ran to the other side and started the engine.

A sudden clash of thunder boomed in the skies. The atmosphere was a great slab of dark unbroken grey and small drops of rain tapped on the windshield.

Please keep me away from them.

"It's going to be ok." I said, checking the rear view mirror. In a way, I said it to myself and the man, but I hated how I wasn't too sure if that statement was really true. For now, I will keep thinking it will be. The man just stayed silent, staring ahead wearily. He looked dead to the world.

I put the car in reverse and started to move it backward toward the road. In the corner of my eye, I couldn't help but to look at the man. He was such a mess. His skin tight, his clothes hanging off of him, his arm...

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