Chapter 7

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Hunters P.O.V

We all just stared down at her. I couldn't necessarily comprehend on what she had said but I took the knife away from her throat.

"And I quote,you want him to watch her?!" Barney asked Gideon.

Completely ignoring Barney, Gideon knelt down and ever so lightly put his fingers on her cheek. His eyes scanning cautiously.

"Hunter, take her to the cellar." Gideon ordered. I cradled her into my arms then turned to walk out but Damien decided to be in my way.

"In the cellar?! How can you be so inhuman! That's where we kill our marks! Unless...."

"Step aside dammit." Gideon said moving in front of me to be up close to Damien. Both of them, in raged, exchanged angered looks. But Gideon was more threatening so Damien stepped aside. The group formed a path so I could follow Gideon to the cellar and slowly behind the group followed along.

Into the cellar Gideon pointed to my cutting table and I laid her there. Briefly I imagined killing her painfully and slowly . Many of my victims laid on this very table with me doing exactly that.

Gideon paced around, his hand running through his hair.

"Chain her and wake her up. Throw some cold water on her. Anything will do." he paused looking up at me and added. "Except, don't kill her."

The first things I chained were her hands then feet. I grabbed a small bucket and picked the hose that was on the floor. I sprayed a good amount of water in the bucket and turned to the girl, dumping it without hesitation.

Immediately she gasped for air. She tried sitting up but the chains restrained her. I inched forward to look at her. She coughed up the water then looked at us with scared eyes.

"P-please don't eat me!" The girl whimpered with a quivering lip as her eyes burned with tears.

Eat her? I was expecting a cry for help, a scream, bribery, or the occasional questions such as why am I here.
But eating her? That's new.

"We won't eat you...yet." Barney laughed jokingly but that only managed to make the girl cry. And for that, Callum punched his arm.

"No" Astro started. "we...."

"Enough." Gideon cut Astro off and walked to the girl. His hand banged next to her face and she yelped, quickly turning her face away from him. He grabbed her chin so that she looked back at his gaze.

"Are you working with Dr. Alfonso?" Gideon asked and she just looked confused.

"Working for him? I work for you! And Alfonso is a doctor?!"

Gideon studied her and backed off.

"I don't believe you." Gideon says unconvinced.

"No it's true!"

"Hunter, kill her." Gideon ordered me.I knew the method Gideon was trying to use on her and it was the scare tactic to make her talk... but strangely enough, I don't think she has anything to do with Alfonso.

The girl moved her head to look at me as if I were a monster.

"NO NO PlEASE!" She cried. I was looking straight at her, pulling out my pocket knife.

I had to play along.

Damien came more into the room with both hands in the air in defense.

"Woah! Everyone just stop!" Damien said like there was a ticking time bomb in the room.

Gideon snapped. "Stand fucking down! I am tired of your bullshit! If you want to be in the way then Hunter will gladly kill you along with the girl!"

Damien looked at me to check if this was true. I had no problem killing him and I knew he could see that. I could also see he was weighing the option of fighting me.

But that's a battle he will surely loose and luckily he saved his own life by once again moving aside.

I was back into my haze when I came closer to her. Knife in hand. Her eyes looked frantic and she try thrash her body to get free from the chains.

"Please don't!" She cried, tears burning down her cheeks. I lifted the knife directly at her eye level.

Her cries got louder when I raised my hand, ready to strike.

I looked over at Gideon, waiting for the call for me to stop. However, his stare was cold.

Was he really not using any type of method this whole time? Did her really want her dead?

I looked back down at the girl.

If that's the case I'll just have to kill her.

But when I tried to strike it was as if my hand was frozen. I didn't expect this so I tried again to get myself to kill her. But I couldn't.

I gripped the knife that's still held high in frustration. I have killed many people. What makes her so different? Why am I hesitating??

"Kill her!" Gideon ordered.

And I, struck the knife down.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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