Chapter 3

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Jocelyn's P.O.V.***

Two weeks later...

I sipped my apple juice box slowly in the silence of the office. It was 7:45 a.m. and I have been awake for half an hour, I was currently wearing a casual tank top and jeans, sat in my own private office working at the computer and just simply enjoyed being alone.Not that it was new to me, it was the basic routine of my day.

Nobody was here around this time, only at around 8:15 so I had the whole building to myself. Which was pretty cool for two things. One, I get my work done faster and two, free time.

After getting the job, everything is going smooth sailing.

Not that I sail or anything....which now that I think about it, it would be pretty cool to have my own boat,but you get the point.

All I really have to do for the job is first the most obvious thing, take pictures. Then I submit them in, design it for a magazine, and finally turn it in or discuss the idea in a meeting.

The only hard part about it is, is finding the perfect picture for the theme.

Just last week my assignment was "Dogs in the Park". Pretty basic idea since I'm starting out new, only thing was there was a lot of dogs. And since I couldn't figure out exactly what dog I should take a picture of, I took pictures of every known breed. Well I think... technically speaking there is 42.5 million dogs out there so the likely hood of me getting a picture of every dog is at 10 percent or lower.

So now I'm just finishing up the last few things for my cover then presto I'm done and await for my next assignment. I wondered to myself what it would be and maybe this time it would be a little more challenging. I smiled of the thought and plugged in my earphones in my ears and channel through my songs on my iPhone. The first couple of songs that played were lame but when I came across The Kinks: "You Really Got Me" I couldn't resist.

The metal guitar played for the intro and I quickly grabbed a Mickey Mouse bobble head as a mic. I placed it close to my lips and sang to the song once it started.

"Girrrllll you really got me going

You got me so

I don't know what I'm doing!

Yeah you really... blah blah

something something.... I can't sleep at night."

Ok maybe I sort of don't know the words entirely so basically I hummed through the whole song until it got to the chorus "You really got me!"

I should probably look into knowing the words. Just like one of my life's goals as to rapping to one of Eminem songs. I could only imagine how legendary I would be.

Suddenly the sound of heavy thumping came from the outside of my office. Well I think, I wasn't too sure but just in case I took my ear buds out and listen closely. My eyes watched out into the dark hallway and sure enough I was assured with the sound again.

Thump thump

Ok now before you make any assumptions, I just want to be the first to say yes, I am afraid of the dark. I don't give a pancake flip on how old I am, I will forever have that phobia. I mean come on there is evidential proof from scary movies to stay away from dark places. Just looking at my own shadow gives me the creeps. And who do I thank for that? Well that would by my sister Margo. When we were kids, she thought of the brilliant idea to do the myth, Bloody Mary. You know, the one where you turn the lights off in a bathroom and spin around saying Bloody Mary five times, yup that's the one.And being my innocent and well being self I actually listened to her. After I was done she sunk up behind me and scared the flying rats ass out of me. Since then, I was never so afraid of the dark.

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