Chapter 5

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Jocelyn's P.O.V.***

I had a plan.

The back of my heels slapped against the wet grass, leaving my poor car behind. I skirted around the trees trying to avoid them and to prevent myself from falling from unnecessary rocks.

The rain sprinkled from above, already making my clothes damp and sticky.

I wasn't that far away from my car but was close enough to see the road while I remained hidden behind a big oak tree.

It was pretty genius of me. I decided to not completely leave my car but also keep away from it by staying low. Until the other car passed,then I'll know it safe. But if not, I run my monkey ass home.

I trembled. It was so hard to focus with all the rain and darkness. The world felt like it had closed in on me, shrinking around me, crushing me.

I swear I was seeing things. Out of the corner of my eye: a black shape would dissolve into just another tree if I looked at it straight on. I was positive it was the ghost from the bathroom, Bloody Mary. I would try to close my eyes to avoid seeing her but it only made me picture her more clearly. Her skin a saggy grey, dark set of red eyes and lips, and she wore an old black dress. There was a wide smile drenched in blood on her teeth like a thirsty animal.

I popped my eyes back open and realized my breathing had been out of control and my eyes burned from tears.

Gosh doughnut I was seriously crying. Crying like a straight up 5 year old that couldn't contain themselves. And not to mention it's only been ten minutes! Ten straight whole minutes and I'm already a wreck!

Pull yourself together.

But I was too scared to. My head went throbbing, I couldn't take much more being here alone, in the dark.

You should've stayed in the car.

I kept telling myself that over and over which reminded me to go and check on it.

But before I did, I prayed that it was just another car passing. No monsters, no animals, just humble regular people that are just strolling by.

Yeah just regular people. Think happy thoughts. Think of it as some type of overrated film that claims to be a horror movie but the actors were so bad that they turned it into a comedy.

I snickered to my self pep talk that was surprisingly working. I felt more and more dumber for actually being scared. Like seriously Jocelyn, there's no such thing as monsters, well except for Bloody Mary, but other then that there was nothing to be afraid of.

So being brave, putting on a smile, and feeling confident, I peered out of my hiding place to take a look.

Instantly, my smile faded.

There on the road, a dark Chevy Impala sat right next to my car. Four dark figures stood there, unmoved.

It was impossible in the dark pouring rain to make out exactly what they looked like or if they were looking back at me, but all I could come up with were grey blurs.

My body had the tempting urge to just make a run for it. Don't think, just do it. Don't be that typical white blonde girl that plays dumb and dies in every scary movie known to man...

But my legs wouldn't budge. I just stood there getting damp and scared.

See this is the exact reasons why to stay away from dark places! Especially in a fudge-nugget-chicken-patty forest! It always leads into something horrible or romantic. For example, Twilight. Edward and Bella share a romantic moment in the forest, starring aimlessly at the depressing sky. Then came book two and Edward breaks Bella's heart by saying that he is no good. Which I may add, also happened in the forest.

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