Chapter 9

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Normally, around this time, it would be the drabbest of all 24 hours. Every morning, when I wake up and get into the shower, I'd cry silent tears that would run down my face so quietly I never knew they were there. It'd be because I woke up alone to another day of isolation and resentment; without the only person who sees me as me and I'd worry like crazy if she was okay. I would fill with this hallow void, feeling completely dead inside.

But not today. I had no urgency to express my feelings harmlessly because Aria was okay and she was finally with me. We were together. Not in the same bed as I'd like but under the same roof is tolerable. I can see her now. I can breathe the same air she does. I can touch her and generally be with her.

Coming to the present, I slam my hand on the plug that turns the shower water overhead and grabbed the available towel outside and wrapped it around my hips. I grab another to tussle my hair then after that I immediately started to get dressed. I chose something quick and it was not my attention to finish my style with a smile, but it was to genuine to wipe off when I left the room given to me. I followed the directions Ian showed me to get to the kitchen. This kitchen though was not like the one we found Aria in and this was way bigger; you could classify it as a cafeteria.

When I stood in the doorway it reminded me of the one in Scorch Trails. You know, featuring Dylan O'Brian. There was circular and rectangle shaped tables with attached seats and tables along the far walls laden with food. I spotted Zachary and Ian bickering (they were the loudest voices) and I walked over to their table to find Bradley also there.

"Niall, glad to see you can join us so early." Ian's way of saying good morning.

"Are you not going to pick something from the buffet?" He asks me with a muffin of his own in his hand.

I shook my head. "Not hungry, where's Aria?" I fold my hands on the table after I kick my feet under it.

Ian chuckled as my request but nonetheless kept the unwanted comment to himself. "She's up at this time, she probably just still getting dressed for the day."

"Speaking of dress, why do you have her wearing that. . . Jumpsuit?"

Ian smirks off in the distance before he bites into a granny smith apple and looks at me. "It looks nice on her, no?"

"That wasn't my question."

He sighed. "You'll have to ask Bradley, he's her designer."

I then shook my head again and moved closer to the table. "Forget it. Why were you and Zachary arguing?"

"Oh, he had some bizarre idea I was going to hand Aria over to him so he could play Rapunzel with her. But let's talk about accuracy; When will you two be able to talk about what we're going to do to keep Aria safe?"

"I would assume that would be ASAP?" Zachary puts in and I nod in his direction in agreement.

Ian smiles. "Fantastic."

"How did you two start trying to find him?" I ask as my eyes fall down to Zach's plate and see a un-syruped stick of French toast. So I helped myself to it.

"Our way was horrible, so we're not following it. What is your suggestions??" Bradley looks between me and Zachary "Fresh eyes always finds the flaw."

I shrug my brows. "Well I'd start from the first time you two ran into him. . ."

"We didn't. Aria did."

"Well how did she and you weren't there?" I asked in anger the second his words registered in my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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