Something // Thirteen

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Evie turns in the dressing room mirror, checking coverage in the back.

She and Cade looked a very interesting pair in the mall. Busted and bruised the both of them, a petite, innocent-looking blonde and a dark-haired monster covered in tattoos. They'd caught more than a few stares.

She turned back to the front, rubbing the fading seatbelt mark on her chest. According to Cade, her wearing a one-piece was out of the question. She only hoped the bruises would fade by the time of the trip.

The bathing suit she wore now was very simple and black. There wasn't much choice in early-December.

Evie looked at the price tag and frowned. She knew Cade wasn't lacking in funds, but she couldn't help but feel guilty holding onto his platinum credit card. He did force her into this. It's not like she wanted to go shopping for clothes. Still, the argument rang hollow in her head.

Evie changed back into her turtleneck sweater and jeans, collecting her selection of bathing suits. Cade standing in the waiting area caused her to jump. He'd wandered off much earlier to go do Cade things.

"Hey, sunshine." He winked at her. "Whatchu got?"

Nearby, two girls started whispering, both staring at Cade. Even with a broken nose he still had women trip left and right over him.

"Stuff." She replied.

"I got you something." He says.

Evie groaned. "Please, no."

Her eyes widened exponentially as he handed her one of the newest iPhone models, neatly in the signature white box.


"Don't even think for two seconds about rejecting it. Your phone is a piece of shit and you know it." He interrupted.

She thought for a moment. Cade liked giving her things. He probably didn't have much else to spend all of his money on. So this time, she shut her mouth about it to make him happy. And he was right. Her phone was a piece of shit. Half her texts didn't go through, and she hasn't been able to update it in about a year. It just wasn't compatible anymore.

The thought of a working headphone jack was too hard to resist anyway.


He looked surprised, then pleased with himself. "Well, then. You ready to go?"

She nodded. They went to the cashier and purchased the items that Evie had selected.

Cade tucked his hand into her back pocket. The fifteen-year-old Evie would've fallen head over heels for that move. It became less cute when he gave her ass a squeeze.

She elbowed him, and he smirked.

After the clothing was placed into plastic bags and given back, they walked from the store.

"Have you given up?" He asks. "Are you going to let me spoil you now?"

"Maybe." She replied. "I won't lie, I miss having extra funds. It's been so long since I've had sushi or a nice night out... My parents-" She cut herself off. Thinking about eating out always broke her heart a bit. Her family was much the 'live to eat' type rather than the 'eat to live' type. She missed - longed, painfully to have raucous conversation in a packed restaurant eating some of the best food the city had to offer. Her nose stung and she steeled herself up, trying not to cry.

Cade watched her get glassy-eyed. You could almost feel sadness come off her in waves.

I miss my family too, babe. It gets easier.

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