Chapter 4: They Finally Meet!

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As soon as the door slams from the servants corridor, another door opens wildly. Light pours through from outside and illuminates a beautiful gem with blue skin and beautifully curled hair that forms a low fringe down her face. She is crying. She is breathing heavily as she hunches low, allowing the ribbon at the back of her (rather ugly) sickly green dress to loosen and snap. I notice that as she hunches, the dress is dripping. She stands up straight. Silence. I notice the front of her dress is soaking wet and steaming. She turns away suddenly and brutally rips off the dress, revealing her tight fitting bodice that is intricately patterned. I feel like I am an intruder on her privacy, seeing her like this. Though I can't deny how beautiful she is, in her present half-naked state. I feel myself blushing as she throws her hair back and walks with purpose down a narrow passage way. 

I look back at the way my sisters went. Then I look at the dress she left on the floor. I make up my mind:

I pick up the dress and walk quickly down the passage way. Who is she? Where does this lead? What do my sisters think of me now? Relentlessly, I follow this beauty down spiral stairs now, being sure not to be seen. Though I cant help looking at her. Her silhouette. Her hair, wondering what kind of face was behind her fringe that hung so low. She seems so mysterious, so introverted. I feel relentlessly urged to follow her and watch her every move.

The path flattens out, and we appear to be in...a shower room. Oh. Well that was a bit anti-climatic. I avert my eyes as she takes of the bodice and steps into the shower. She holds out her bodice from behind the curtain. Her arm hangs there for a while. Who is she waiting for?

"Maid Morganite? Hello?" she calls out to an absent servant which I am starting to wonder whether she was the one Army punched in the gut.

"Are you there, Morgan?"

I quickly grab the bodice from her flailing arm, and she gives a thumbs up. I now hear the shower turn on. What am I doing here? 

"So, Morgan, how are your family?" Oh crap. I make a guess that Morganite is the crippled maid, and say in my sweetest, most angelic voice possible:


What the hell am I doing. I feel so ashamed but I don't want to get beheaded or something like that. It was a terrible impression anyway.

"That's good, that's good."

She bought it? Maybe the shower noise is making my voice less audible and more open to interpretation. I peer through a gap in the shower curtain (I really shouldn't be doing this!), and I see her long wet hair curl and lace down her back. Her hair is so long, it goes down her legs when it is wet, and I can't help looking at the way it forms a silhouette of her figure.

Suddenly the shower turns off and I leap from the gap in the curtain.

"Towel please."


"Yes please, Morgan. Is your throat hurting today?"

Oh crap I forgot the voice!

"Uh, yes. Very much so. In fact, I best not talk for the time being...d-doctor's orders!"

"Very well. But I'm getting quite cold now, may I please have a towel?"

I look around frantically and find the towel rack right next to me. I barbarically yank out a towel, causing the whole rack of towels to fall on the floor. I ignore it and thrust her a towel.

"Thank you, Maid Morgan. You're such a help. I had a horrible incident today at the garden p- you're not my Maid!" She looks at me with a scowl as she exits the shower and puts her hands squarely on her hips. I am dead.

"I-I'm her replacement! For the time being!"

"Oh. What happened to her then?" she says this with a grin. She's not buying it. 

"She may or may not have been punched in the stomach across a room by a larger than average Ruby..."

"A Ruby." She says, looking me up and down. "I think they would replace Maid Morganite with a girl for my shower assistant, don't you think?"

"I am a-"

"Wait a second. I know you. You're the one with all those brothers!"


"I waved to you, do you remember? When I first came here 2 years ago, and there was a Sapphian parade. Wow you have grown! How old are you now? Nine? Ten?"

"I'm fifteen."

"Fifteen? You're pretty small for a young boy of fifteen."

"That's because I'm a-"

"Do you remember the parade? It was wonderful, wasn't it? And you were pick pocketing everyone I saw in the parade banks, along with your brothers."


"Anyway, you still haven't told me why you are so small!"

"Well why are you so small?"

She looks at me, insulted, the turns away.

"I'm Sapphian. Our bodies are naturally smaller and more nimble." she states, proudly.

"But you are also half Chalcedonian, right? They're one of the tallest, genetics wise." I ask, carefully; I realised who she was the moment she mentioned the parade, and I now know how much shit I'm in. She's the motherfucking princess.

"Then what about you, hmm? I presume you're from Chalcedon."

"Probably not."

"Probably?" She replies with slight intrigue, turning her head to face me ever so slightly.

"I don't know where my Pa comes from, actually I don't know him at all, but its most likely not from here. Hence...the hair?"

"Looks Agatan to me." She says, fully pivoting round to inspect my tightly curled square .

"Yeah, that's what they all say."

"I'm sorry you never got to know your father. I did, but I may not see him much ever again because-"

"He stayed in Sapphiero."

" do you know that?"

"News travels fast on the streets." I say with an embarrassed smile.

"So, why did you intercept the palace? I mean obviously to steal but-"

"I didn't come here to steal. My sisters-"

"You have sisters?"

"Yes, I have sisters. Not brothers. Okay?"

"Okay..." She says with an unconvinced look.

"My sisters came to steal, but I came for a better life."

"Its funny; my better life was back home." she says, looking wistfully past me. I realise how easy it's been talking to her, like I could talk to her for hours. Her mood changes quickly as she casually gestures to us both.

"So here we are-two gems in Chalcedon with foreign heritage, wishing they were either somewhere else or someone better. In a shower room. Go figure!"

"Ha! Yeah..."

"Well Ruby; I will let you have Maid Morgan's job until she returns."

Well I hope she doesn't return for a long, long time.

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