Chapter 10: Long Distance

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(Sapphire's POV)

(At Quartz Palace)

I can clearly see the shadows of at least 8 gems...or maybe 6 gems and my mother's hair...on the other side of the shower curtain.

"Sapphire? Are you okay now? It is okay to come out now, that mean little devil is gone, she cannot hurt you anymore."

Is he completely idiotic.

"She will never come back, you are safe from any harm now."


"Listen, Sapphire, Mi querida."

I am not his darling. 

"If your so self conscious about your deformity, we can get it fixed if you want."

I slowly pull back the shower curtain. I look up at my father, proudly exposing my "deformity". I hold back my tears and stand strong. I take a deep breath.

"Usted arrogante, piss bebiendo desagradable excusa para un padre!" I yell. 

My father is shocked, there are tears in his eyes. I don't care. All those who could understand gasped in horror. I don't care. I hear my mother whisper to one of the Sapphian ladies behind a fan.

"What did she call him?"

"An arrogant, piss drinking, disgusting excuse for a father."

"Oh...that's...that's cold." she says, quietly, but doesn't interject into the situation at all.

My father screws up his eyes for a second, letting a tear roll down his cheek, before his expression turned to anger.

"I never thought I'd ever say this as a parent but I am afraid it is necessary. Go to your room!"

What?! I yank open the curtain and turn to my mother, but she lifts up her hands as if she is powerless. She's the queen of this country!

"I look at my father with a furious expression, to see if I could get a reaction of guilt, but his head is in his hands. I run out the room.

I hate this! I feel like a prisoner here; How did I ever manage to live here without Ruby in my life? For once, I was actually happy here, and then my father came and took it all away.

When I come out into the grand hall, I scream "I hate you" at the top of my voice down the spiral steps, before continuing to scream and run all the way to my bedroom, which by the way is at the very top of the palace, so you can imagine how exhausted I was when i finally reached my destination. 

As soon as I enter my room, I flop onto my bed and scream into a pillow for awhile, but when I'm finished I'm no less angry. I walk slowly to my window and look out onto the country which has brought me so much despair. But I don't feel like going back to Sapphiero. Ever. It would remind me too much of my father, who at the moment I loathe. I look down below, and some crazy, dangerous thoughts go through my head. Ones I instantly regret. Why did they put a full length window here? At the highest peak of the palace? It's literally asking for someone to jump off...shut up, Sapphire, you're better than this! But everything is falling apart. I have a mother that sits on the sidelines, an idiotic father that just sent me to my room and a girlfriend who I will never see again. What's the point?

I look down at the grass way down below, and notice a little figure...a little red figure. Am I hallucinating? I ignore safety and lean over the edge to verify. Is it? It is! It's Ruby! Did she never leave in the first place? She's sleeping, using a rag as a blanket. I should probably let her sleep...


She wakes up in a daze. 







"WHAT?" Ruby said with a grin that I could see even from this distance. I shook my head and smiled.

"I LOVE YOU!" I hear that loud and clear. 

"I LOVE YOU TOO-" I slip.

I fall.

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