Chapter 5: A new suit

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(Ruby's POV)

It has been a couple of weeks, now. Despite this, I still can't figure out Sapphire's showering schedule, but I have learnt a bunch of things about her life, her relations and her peers; Silk, Crystal and Erinite. I haven't moved from Sapphire's side ever since I met her, so I sorta got promoted to her personal servant. This is great; I get to stay with the princess of two leading countries! We are in the shower room together on a usual afternoon, like most days, but something is wrong.

"Sometimes...I think you're the only person I can talk to..." she whimpers.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...Silk, Crystal and Erinite my mothers employees assigned with keeping me company, as I'm sure I've said many times, and they can't even get that right. Silk's okay but I had loads of friends back in Sapphiero."

"Well you've always got me." I vouch. She smiles but I can tell it's not complete genuine. I have a crazy urge to make her happy. 

"Why not just invite them over?" I say bluntly.

"Can I do that?"

"Aren't you the princess?"

"...Oh yeah! I'm a princess, I can do that! Oh you're a genius, Ruby!" she says, and she kisses my cheek. I flush a shade of red, though thankfully it doesn't show too much, since I am already a shade of red. "I have to introduce you to them, they would love you."

"Me? A shower assistant? And a temporary one at that!"

"Oh stopped being a shower servant when I started to like you." she says, blushing slightly. Now I am visibly flaring up. She giggles and gives me a second kiss.

"Follow me."

As if in a trance, I follow Sapphire's swaying hair up the spiral Staircase. Where are we going? She leads me out of the main entrance to a chariot. She glides gracefully to the chariot door and stands there for some reason. She smiles awkwardly, nodding her head towards the chariot slightly for some time. Then I realise.

"Oh! Sorry!" I say quickly, and practically sprint to the chariot door. I try to reach for the handle. In vain. It is just out of my reach, so I try to jump for it. This is so embarrassing! Sapphire waits patiently, still smiling. The situation has become...awkward.

"Do you...need some hel-"

"I GOT IT!" I yell, sweating gallons. Even the driver has leaned out to see me fail to reach a door handle. I rally myself with great determination, and jump as high as I can. I reach the handle, but push down with so much force that it breaks off. I chuckle and blush, hiding the door handle behind my back. She continues to smile awkwardly.

"Right! Sorry again!"

"It's okay."she says, smiling sweetly as I hop in the chariot and pull her in after me. She tries to pull the door in, but it won't close properly. Figures. Then I hear the driver jump down, walk briskly to the door, and slam it so firmly it shakes the whole chariot. We look at each other as two kids might if we were in trouble with a teacher.

The journey is fairly short but full of suspense. I look at her constantly through the corner of my eye. How did I get this close to the princess?! As we come near the end of our journey, the buildings start to get more and more familiar. As the chariot comes to a stop, I look out of the window to see a familiar sign and start to sweat; It was Prime Cut Suitors!

"Good Afternoon, Mr Smithson!" Sapphire says casually to Mr Smithson, as I now know.

"Oh, hello your Majesty! What brings you he-aaaah!" the tailor stops mid sentence as he sees me and jumps with such a fright that his glasses fall nearly off his nose. He readjusts them, but is still frozen in time. "What is HE doing back here?"

"She*" I correct him.

"You've been here before, Ruby?" Sapphire asks sweetly, but at the same time knowing my history as a thief all to well.

"Ah, you know...I come here from time to time." I reply, sweating gallons.

"Are any of your...brothers-"


"...Siblings here with you?"

"Nope, its just me. Sorry to disappoint. And of course..." I clear my throat, gesturing to Sapphire. 

"Of course indeed!" He flusters and I smirk; Sapphire's like a get-out-of-jail-free card.

"Now, I have to apologise, your Highness, but we don't make dresses here."

"Oh, I'm not looking for dresses, sir. I was hoping we could purchase a suit for Ruby." she states. I am taken aback in shock just as much as the suitor.

"Like I have said to you and your brothers-"


"Siblings before, we don't do suits in your size I'm afraid."

"That isn't very diverse of you, Smithson. I might just raise your taxes for that." Sapphire says with a grin. She obviously enjoyed saying that. Smithson is in horror.

"Your face is priceless, but your taxes will be quite expensive too. I would like one tailor made for my Ruby."

She said "My Ruby". My heart leaps in my chest.

"Of course! Right this way please."

I am asked to strip off to my undies. I am wearing a servant's uniform provided for me by Sapphire two weeks ago.  I am a little embarrassed to take my clothes off. As Mr Smithson measures me, I see Sapphire in the corner of my eye by the door. She's...blushing? It's hard to tell what she is looking at for obvious reasons, but she seems to be looking down at something. 

"Now, you dress to the right or to the left?"

"One; I am not a "sir", and two; what does that mean?" Sapphire is blushing even more now as she beckons me over. I go over to her, still only in my undies, and she whispers in my ear.


"If you're a lady, then why choose to wear a suit?"

"Cause suits are cool!" we both said in unison. We look at each other and started to laugh at how alike we are, while the tailor is still knelt down, dumbstruck. 

"Mr Smithson, may I also take one of your fine coats?" says Sapphire, and pulls a long black coat with gold lining from the coat rack.

"Of course, your Majesty."

After my suit is tailored and paid for, along with Sapphire's coat, we head out of the shop arm in arm. 

"What were you looking at earlier?" 

"What do you mean?"

"When I was getting measured, you were looking at something, but I couldn't tell cause I can never see your eyes."

"Oh that!" she says, and smacks my ass hard.

Naturally I jump, holding my violated behind and blushing intensely as we walk leisurely towards the chariot. It is now almost midnight-we were in there for so long because we waited whilst Mr Smithson tailored my suit from scratch. I'm surprised the chariot is still there, I thought it might've left after so long. As we get to the chariot door, I force it open after some struggling, and this time Sapphire goes in first. Instead of sitting down, she holds out her hand, as if symbolising something-like I'm more than her servant now, I'm not just someone who watches and follows her throughout the days and nights. This might even be the start of something romantic...

But as I go to reach her hand I am grabbed by several others from behind and pulled backwards. And just like that, time slows down almost to a halt, and I look at the most beautiful thing I have ever met, inside and out. Her welcoming smile is now a face of alarm and pain. Her hand reaches out for me, and a try to reach but I'm too far gone. The hands are relentless as they tug me away from heaven, and dragging me back down to the pits of hell.

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