Spirited Christmas Tradition

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Five years prior to the events of the first Living Emotion, Negito and Posilyn had no idea what to get each other for Christmas due to the vast differences. Their solution may not be what most people consider celebrating, but it was enough for them.

(Posilyn) I puff out my cheeks and cross my arms. "Hrmm..." I tap my temple, tongue poking out of my lips. After about three or five minutes, I look over my shoulder at Negito, who sits in the wheelie computer chair upside-down, thinking very hard even with the bored look on his face. He sighs, blinking his eyes.

I look back to the piece of paper in front of me, with kittens, rainbows and smiley faces drawn on it. "... Ugh!" I huff, then turn back to Negito. "Negito, I just can't think of anything to get yooou!" I whine.

"Same..." He mumbles, looking to me and furrowing his eyebrows. "Unless you want a sock or something..."

"Nah. The only sock you have is tattered, Mr. Puppy-fluffer."

He stares at me, letting out another sigh. "Mrrmmm..." I hum, then jump up. "Y'know what? Forget it! Christmas isn't about presents, it's about joy and family!"

"And the birth of Christ..." Negito adds quietly. "But where are you going with this?..."

"We aren't gonna do presents! It's not like there's only one way to celebrate Christmas, and it ain't set in stone, so we'll just do our own thing!" I bounce over to him and help him sit up. "C'mon, Negito, there's gotta be something we can do for Christmas tomorrow!"

"Uhm, okay..." He mumbles. Suddenly, and idea hits my brain and I gasp loudly, startling him.

"Oh! Oh, oh, oh, I've got it!~"

The next day...

(Negito) I watch the pot in utter boredom, listening as Posilyn runs around the palace, setting up a spot for the both of us to celebrate Christmas. She hits the wall again, yelping. "Ow!... I'm fine, don't worry!" She assures, then begins running around again.

'This girl...' I sigh, glancing over my shoulder. 'It's... Kind of hard to believe it's already been almost a full year since we were created. And I'm actually surprised that we haven't killed each other yet.'

We don't fight too often nowadays, but back when we were first created she and I fought like cats and dogs. It's only natural, I guess.

The water I've been watching starts to steam, and I call. "Posilyn, the water's ready..."

"Oh, it is? Yay! Just in time, too!" She comes in, wearing a red poncho with white trim. "Here, put these on!" She hands me a headband with reindeer antlers on it, and as she makes the hot cocoa I place them on my head. She hands me my cup, chirping. "Here you go, Negito! Careful, it's hotter than the fires of Mordor!"

"Thanks..." I reply, then take a drink. It sort of burns, but in a good way. "Niiiice..."

"Hee hee!" She giggles, then leads me to the living room, which is decked out in Christmas lights and garland. "So how did I do?"

"Good..." I mumble, looking around. She sits on the sofa and I sit beside her, pulling the comforter over us. I drink some more cocoa as Posilyn sips hers, and then she hands me the book and cuddles against me. I glance at her with an eyebrow raised, but before I can dismiss it, she says.

"You are okay with reading, right? You just make everything sound so exciting!"

"Yeah, it's fine..." I reply. She squeaks excitedly, holding my arm. I begin reading the book. "'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse..."

And for the rest of their time together, Negito and Posilyn spent their Christmases curled up together, reading wonderful Christmas stories and drinking hot, hot cocoa.

A little bonus:

Timeline: December 25th, a few months after the events of the second book

(Negito) This year, the living room of the palace is dark. I didn't really think about decorating, and it wouldn't be the same as when Posilyn does it. I look around sadly, then sit on the sofa in my normal spot.

My body trembles uncontrollably, the dark and cold both a cause. Another cause is the melancholy feeling that, like both the cold and dark, takes over the entire room. Trying to ignore it, I trace my finger over the bumps on the book, then slowly move my hand to the side of the cover and pull it open.

After a few years of use, the ink is a tad bit faded, but each word is still as clear as day. I exhale softly, briefly warmed by all the cheerful memories this book contains, but the thought of never being able to make any more reduces me back to shivering.

I skim over the page, remembering how excited Posilyn was the first time I read it to her, and how strange I felt each time we celebrated. I never knew it, but spending that sort of time with Posilyn made me... Happy.

After glancing around the room, I look back to the book and begin reading it aloud. "'Twass'-" I stop, covering my mouth. Ever since I was corrupted, I've been hissing nonstop and I can't stop it.

I sigh, shaking my head and moving my hand. "It doessn't matter anymore... 'Twass the night before Chrisstmass, and all through the housse, not a creature wass sstirring, not even a-"

I stop, suddenly feeling a tightness in my throat. I try to continue, but all that comes out is a choking sound, then a sob.

'No, no, no, don't cry, don't cry, don't-' I sob again and cover my eyes with trembling hands.

'I'm all alone...' I think to myself. 'I'll never be able to be around anyone ever again, all because of Diapsid!' I sob and scream all at the same time, clawing my face, then suddenly I transform.

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