Secret Christmas Wish

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Peter hasn't seen his mother Isabelle in two years. Fed up with dealing with Jane, he decides to sneak off to see her at night.

(Peter) Today was really fun, aside from the few bumps with mother... But I'm not done celebrating just yet. There may be a restraining order on Ma, but I am determined to see her. I'm an adult now, I make my own choices.

I sneak downstairs after everyone goes asleep, sticking a note to the icebox. I go back upstairs, slinging my backpack and guitar over my shoulders, petting Muffin before I go. I carefully climb out my window, then use the ledges in the paneling as footholds. When I'm close enough, I jump down and land safely on the ground, then run off. I wish I could have just gone through the door instead of leaving my window open, but that thing squeaks louder than a rat and Pa would have been on my case in no time.

I reach a payphone, inserting the quarter and dialing the number. It rings twice, then she picks up. "Hello?"

"Ma, it's me." I say.

"You got out?" She asks, already aware that I'm coming to see her.

"Yeah. I should be there in 45 minutes."

"I'll be waiting."

"I love you, Ma."

"I love you, too, Peter." She replies, voice breaking. I hesitantly hang up, sniffling.

"I can't wait to see you again, Ma." I whisper.

"I'm guessing that Ed doesn't know about this?"

"AH!" I yelp, whirling around. "Gosh darn it, Negito! What are you doing out here?!"

"I could ask you the same, but I already know." He replies, his one eye gleaming in the moonlight. He's bundled up for weather that's a little colder than what it is right now, but I can't say that I blame him. He walks over to me, adjusting his earmuffs. "Why are you sneaking off to see your mother? She's still in Houston, isn't she?"

"No..." I sigh. "Jane isn't my mother." I begin, then correct myself. "My birth mother, I mean. She's just my step mother."

He nods wordlessly, then hesitantly pats my shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that." He mumbles.

"Not your fault." I reply, sighing. I begin to walk away, saying. "It was nice seeing you again, but you oughta go home. I can't be late or my Ma will get worried."

I hear him sigh, then he begins following me. "Peter, it's not safe to be out in the middle of the night when only one or two people know you're gone."

"I know that, Negito." I snap, then say. "But nobody will stop me from seeing my real mother."

"I wasn't going to stop you." He growls. "I was just saying. It's dangerous if you only have a backpack and a guitar. You're unprotected."


"And, well, someone needs to keep you safe." He says, creasing his eyebrow. "So... I guess what I'm saying is that I'm coming with you..." He mumbles.

"Really?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you think I'm the type to joke like this?"

"No, actually... But, to be honest... I thought you didn't like me."

He exhales softly, his breath slightly fogging the air. "The way I feel about you is complicated."

"Care to elaborate why?" He looks to me, then begins messing with his gloves. "Negito?"

"I really would, but like I said it's complicated, and personal between Posilyn and I."

I stop, saying. "Oh my gosh, were you two together for a while?!" He shakes his head calmly. "Oh."

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