Mistletoe? Oh No.

19 2 22

A particular B.A.C.O.N.S.' employee has the mischievous idea to hang various mistletoes in the workplace. What could go wrong?

(Neutro) "And plot twist, the answer really was turning it off and on again the whole time." I finish with a sigh, sipping some more coffee.

"That's the issue you were dealing with for the past hour and a half? Geeze, no wonder you're beat already." Michael replies, patting my shoulder.

"Just glad it's over with. Hopefully she doesn't call to ask why her cat is eating the furniture."


"The entire phone call she kept yelling at the cat to stop eating her furniture, 'that couch belonged to my great grandma's second cousin's best friend's brother!'"

He snorts drinking some of his own coffee, then something falls from the ceiling and taps his head. "What the... What was that?" He and I look up, seeing a green plant with white berries on it. "That better not be what I think it is."

"It is. But we're the only ones in here, so no one will know if we blow off the tradition."

"I would." Freddy says suddenly, startling us both. He grins at us playfully, tilting his head forward. "C'moooon, you two, it's time to pucker up!"

"What are you, Freddy, a six year old?" Michael huffs, face beginning to turn red.

"Technically, yes. I was born on a leap year."

Nobody says anything for a few more minutes. "... Okay. I can see that." Michael finally says, though somewhat quietly. "But not everyone is going to think this is as funny as you do!"

"It's not supposed to be funny, it's supposed to be a Christmas tradition." He places a hand on his hip and adds. "It's how pointlessly embarrassed people get over it that's funny."

"E-Embarrassed? W-We're grown men, we're n-not embarrassed!" Michael stammers, digging himself deeper into the pit. I look at him, creasing my eyebrows. "W-What? We're not... Right, Neutro?"

"I'm not." I say simply, then realize I just ripped Pandora's box in half.

"W-What do you mean you're not?! I'm not embarrassed either I'm just offended that little mister Vortex over there is acting all high and mighty like not wanting to kiss another man you work with is shameful!" He continues rambling on and I look to Freddy, who raises one eyebrow questioningly. I swear I can practically hear him say it, 'So, Dream Boat, what have you got to lose?'

If it was someone else, I'd probably wouldn't, but Freddy can't judge me and he's prompting it, so... "Michael." I say, looking back to him. Michael stops ranting and takes a breath, still very bright with color. I can't help but smirk and let my voice slip into a purr as I continue. "It is tradition."

"... Yeah, I guess." He grumbles childishly, looking to the floor and crossing his arms.

"Let me make this easy for you." I bend over a little, planting a small kiss on the top of his head and standing straight. "There. Wasn't so bad, now was it?"

Alright, I admit it, now I feel a little embarrassed about this.

"..." Michael blinks, then his shoulders slump. "I'll be honest, I forgot it was just kisses in general."

"What, did you think I'd actually kiss you on the lips?" I question, blushing a bit.

"Oh, like I'm the repulsive one?"

"Cue the fanfiction!" Freddy suddenly shouts, turning and leaving the lounge unceremoniously. Michael mutters something under his breath and I elbow him roughly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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