Swept Off My Feet This Christmas

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For this Christmas, Freddy makes a special, heartfelt wish.

(Freddy) I tap my pen against the table, trying to figure out how to word my wish. I have no idea why on earth I'm actually doing this, since there's no such thing as Santa Claus.

I guess I'm being immaturely hopeful... I just... I want to know what it might be like, even if only for a day.

I shake my head, sighing and thinking to myself. 'Just write it and throw it away. That always gets it off my chest, at least.' I click the button on the pen and press it against the paper, hesitantly writing out a wish that will never be granted.

'Dear Santa

For this Christmas, all I ask for is to be swept off my feet without any repercussions that will ruin my life.'

I sigh as I write 'Life', then after adding the period I crumple it up and drop it in the trash bin. Instead of feeling better, I just begin to feel worse... I push myself up, looking to the calender for a moment.

It's December 22nd, so if by chance my wish does get granted, I won't have to wait long. But who am I kidding? Any belief I had in 'Santa Claus' was stamped out a long time ago.

I turn off the light, stepping over scattered items to get to my bed. I lay down, wondering what's in store for me on Christmas.

"What? Why would he want to throw this away?" I hear a voice say. A preteen, from the sounds of it. I open my eyes slowly, seeing a shape the size of a twelve year old. Slowly and carefully, I reach under my bed and grab my scythe, then the figure turns to me. "Oh shoot!"

I quickly jump out of bed and swing my scythe in two smooth moves, but the figure disappears.

I blink, then slowly look over my shoulder. Still gone. 'They couldn't have disappeared, could they?'

After checking the entire apartment, I dismiss it and go back to sleep.

December 24th...

I finish cleaning up the decorations from the Christmas party, exhaling loudly and wiping my brow. The party was a blast, like usual, and, like usual, I hate having to clean up so late into the night.

I carry the trash bag out back, throwing it in the dumpster and dusting off my hands. I lock the back door, then begin to go to the front side of the building. I hear the sound of a burlap sack rustling and freeze, then whirl around just in time to be punched in the face by a guy dressed in all black.

"Agh!" I groan, holding my nose. Another one comes at me and I kick him, hitting his knee. He stumbles back and the other one punches my chest, knocking the air out of me. I double over, wheezing, then they throw the sack over my head. "H-Hey! Let me go!" I yell, headbutting the guy's stomach. He groans, but before anything else happens, some loud, killer rock music blares throughout the parking lot. At first it's guitars, then it switches to roaring.

The guy handling the bag grabs my shoulders, but he cries out and I hear a thud. I yank off the bag, panting and looking to see the one guy on the ground, bleeding from his face. The lyrics (Which are too fast and hoarse to understand) begin as the other one yelps, falling on his back and groaning.

I look to his feet, seeing ice coating the ground, and raise an eyebrow.

The chorus starts as someone else lands in front of me, and at first I think 'It's Negito', but no. This guy is dressed in white and black, not black and white.

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