Part 12

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  What is this i'm feeling ,i can't move ,is that laughter? where am i ? "m/n " a female voice "m/n why are you here it's not time yet " she tells me " mum " she nods ,i run up to her and hug her " i'm proud of you m/n ,every day i watched you grow up to be the man you are ,your brave ,your strong ,just know that i will always love you " she holds my face with her slender hands " what about dad " i'm sorry for what i did to you son can you forgive me ?" he asks " i will but not my brother did you see the things he did to me ?" i asked they both nodded " he's in hell now m/n you don't have to worry about that any more " he smiled ,mum smiled " please m/n wake up " i'm confused " what do you mean wake up i am " i said " no your not ,m/n please wake up, wake up " those words repeated in my head for a long time .

Levi pov

I woke to the sound of his monitors alarming "whats going on " I asked " he may be waking up sometimes the body goes into either panic or shock ,but by the looks of it we'll take the tube from his mouth out just in case " they did ,I looked at him , a tear fell from his eye "wake up m/n please wake up ".

His eyes slowly lifted up ,I just wanted to kiss him , hold him but I knew I couldn't " mom " his voice is but a whisper " m/n " I muttered stroking his hair " Levi " he spoke again " i'm here always have been your safe " he cried ,I cried " I thought I lost you m/n" I told him " what happened ?" he asked " i'll tell you later " he smiled a little " hanji go get Erwin please " she did. M/n drifted of to sleep " how is he ?" Erwin walks in " he's awake ,he woke up about 20 minutes ago but the drugs took him out again " I said to him " does he still remember you ?" I nodded " good ,what about his lungs ?" he asked " honestly the doctors wont tell me anything so I am guessing its bad " I said " it's not bad captain ,he is recovering just at a slow pace but he will be on assisted oxygen for a while " the nurse jumped in and spoke "why didn't you tell me this when i asked " I said " because I didn't think he would survive captain " she said .

Two months later

I woke up from sleep ,looking at his sleeping body ,how his eyes hid behind his lids ,nasal tube to help him breath curved round his head ,his breathing a bit rugged but at peace . His head stayed on my chest with an arm draped around my stomach ,his legs curled up , I pull the covers up a bit more to keep him warm ,I smiled . Stroking his hair "Mm" he stirred tucking himself in closer " I love you " I whispered " I knew you weren't sleep " he mumbled " no ,well you should be, you need rest " I said "mmm chest hurts a bit " he said and coughed " how bad 1-10 " i asked " bout a 4 I can bare it for now its just not comfortable  " he coughed again " here sit up ,i'll get you water " I did , he drank the water and coughed again " better " he nodded " thanks " he said" get some sleep ruffle head "I said " you need sleep to Levi " he spoke as he got comfy again in the bed " yeah well I can live off from no sleep" " i said he hummed in response "Love you too " he said .  

To be continued...............................

So I wrote this based on my depression and how i felt so far its been popular on my deviant art page and on watt pad . i just want to say that i am very thankful for those who read it .

i know it is a bit sadistic but writing does help me when i get depressed and if there are people out there looking for relief other than harming themselves then try writing . it may or may not help but its a try .

M/n - male name or your name 

e/c- eye colour 

h/c- hair colour 

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