Chapter 25

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  We were all waiting for his answer. He looked back at me and I finally understood. I gave him a little nod for him to know that I was okay with it. Now I was just looking at him, not believing what he was about to do.
Everyone just stood there, confused by our little exchange of looks, and he finally said it.

Dan and I... Dan is my boyfriend

No one said a thing. Phil looked at me like if that wasn't the response he was waiting for, if I'm honest, neither did I.
I walked up to Phil and he took me by the hand.

That's right. Phan is real.

We felt the little claps that started from way back, and they slowly became stronger, approving our relationship.
We looked at each other and smiled.

The meeting ended, and I must say that the vibe that everyone had after the confession was amazing. Everyone looked so peaceful, somehow it made our bond with the subscribers stronger.

Everyone left, and we started walking together.

I still can believe that you did that.

I had to do it. It was the right thing

He said and placed a little kiss on my cheek.

Hey, we never got the chance to go out and I'm hungry af. Can we eat something now? •

Yeah sure.

We went to a fancy ass vegetarian restaurant. The night was lovely.

We ordered some food, ate and had fun.
When we got out we didn't wanted the night to end. So we decided to go somewhere else.

Can we go to the London Eye?

Hahaha sure. This time I promise not to do the same as before

We laughed and headed our way to it.
As the cart thingy came we got in.

When we were at the top I stood close to the glass, admiring the beautiful view.

London it's beautiful isn't it.

Phil wrapped his arms around me and said softly to my ear.

With you here it's ten times better

I turned just to find him right in my face.
I looked around to see if anyone was watching, but I didn't really care. It was only the nerves.

Phil giggled and kissed me.

Everything was perfect. But not every story is that perfect, and life just like to fuck us all over.

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