My worst nightmare (Jeff the killer)

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"I keep having these nightmares. I dream a man is chasing me in a factory trying to kill me. It scares me doc. My mother always wakes me up because I was screaming in my sleep." I tell him.

"Well have you ever seen the man Josh? What does he look like?" He replies.

"Well hes about my age around 18 maybe even 19. He has pale skin, and big eyes, with jet black hair. Ive never seen anyone like him before in my life sir." I sit up from the couch "Never."

"Well Josh, you've had to have seen this man before at some point wheather you know it or not. Thats how dreams work. And besides with the anniversary of your fathers death coming up, thats possibly a sighn that you've been thinking about it alot recently."

I nod "I have been thinking about my dad alot. But I dont understand why this man is showing up in my dre-".

The alarm clock goes off.

"Well josh looks like our time for this week is up. Lets meet the same time next week."

I get up and open the door. My mother jumps up.

"Do you care if I speak to doctor Falin for a moment?" She asks.

"Go ahead mother." I say as I sit down.

She closes the door behind her.

I get up and walk to the door and listen in to the conversation.

"Is my son ok doc?" She asks.

"He's still having the nightmares but that's usual for a person."

She thinks Ive gone nuts. Fantastic!

I hear footsteps towards the door. I run and quickly sit down and my mother opens the door.

"Well Josh lets go home." She smiles at me.

The drive home is silent. No talking, No music, just silence.

As we pull up into the drive way the silence is broken.

"Son I know its been hard since your father passed away but I think its time we talked about it." She says as she puts the car in park.

"I'd rather not. Its bad enough you think I'm crazy." I get out of the car and walk into the house.

She runs after me "Joshua! We have to talk! Its bad enough your sister refuses to listen to me!"

I ignore her and walk upstairs into my room.

"Sigh" i lean against my door.

I black out and see the face of the man in my dreams.

"Ive gone nuts. No! Get it together Josh! You've got to stay strong for mom and Jessica!"

I lay down on my bed and put my headphones in.

I start to think about the day my fathers murderer got justice served to him it was the first time I had saw him. He was my dads best friend. Kind of like a second dad to me.

Me, mom, and Jessica had just got back from Jessicas last soccer game.

I opened the door and saw a trail of blood running uo the steps and found my dad at the top of the steps with a gun shot to the head and a knife in his chest.

That image is permenantly stuck in my brain and the last time I saw my dad other than in a coffin.

I start to drift to sleep. I try my best not to because of the nightmares but I give in.

My worst nightmare (Jeff the killer)Where stories live. Discover now