Poor Fella

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I didnt have the nightmare last night. Surprise me for me.

I wait for Jeff by the bus stop. He walks out of his house weraing a white shirt and tight black pants. This kid needs some help.

"Hey josh!"

I wave "Hey Jeff. Ready for today?" I ask.

"Eh not really." He replies

The bus pulls up and people are staring at us. Oh god this kid is in for a rough time.

I get on and Jeff is behind me, he's like a lost puppy.

I sit next to my buddy Mike "Dude whos that?" He asks.

"New student, His names Jeff. He lives in the house next to me." I reply.

Mike gets a strange look on his face "He seems like a freak. Like he's gonna end up in jail or something."

I shake my head  "Nah, he's pretty cool, I hung out with him a little bit yesterday."

Mike just sighs and disagrees

The bus stops and we get off and into the school we go.

As the day goes on I show Jeff to his classes, We have gym together.

We go into the changing room and put on our work out clothes.

I walk up to my friend Austin "What's up with the ghost over there dude?" He asks me.

"New student. His name is Jeff, he isnt bad." I reply

He laughs "Watch this." He walks over to Jeff

"So new Dude. Can you lift any?" He asks jeff

Jeff shakes his head and looks down.

Austin pats his shoulder "Awe come on you seem strong try it." And pulls him to a bench and puts him on it. And puts 75 punds on each side.

That's too much weight for a guy Jeffs size. I run over to Austin.

"Dude that's too much" I whisper to him.

Austin smiles "Nah dont worry Mike will spot the kid. Wont you mike?"

Mike grins and gives a thumbs up.

Austin forces Jeffs arms onto the bar and Mike lifts the bar and drops it onto Jeff.

Instantly the bar falls to Jeffs chest and He screams in pain.

"Guys stop!" I yell! I try and pull the bar off him but Im too weak.

Jeff struggles but manages to push the weight off him to the side.

Everyone is laughing at him. He starts to cry and runs away.

Poor Fella. Being treated like this on his first day, rough.

I run and try and follow him.

He runs out of the school and into some woods. Damn this kid is fast.

I give up at the border of the woods and walk back into class.

My worst nightmare (Jeff the killer)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن