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"Hey mom?" I ask walking down the stairs.

"yes dear?" she's sitting at the table in the kitchen.

"Since Jeff lost his family he's been having to stay at the local shelter in town right?"

My mother nods.

"well I was thinking there's plenty of room in my room and-"

"of course he can live with us. Jeff is a great kid, he can stay here." she smiles.

I get a big grin on my face "thanks mom!" I hug her and run to the local shelter

I arrive 10 minutes later and find Jeff sitting in a corner looking out the window.
"Jeff!" I shout across the room.
He looks up and waves
"Dude I got great news! I talked to my mom and she said you could stay with us!"
He smiles big at me "really?! You guys would do that for me?!"
I nod "yeah dude! I hate to see you like this and we have a spare bed room that has your name on it! So get your stuff and come home!"
He brushes his shaggy hair out of his face and gets up and gathers his things.
We arrive back home and I show jeff to his room.
"This is your room! Its not very decorated because it used to be a study room but we changed it into a guest room after....um.....my dad died."
"You dont realize how much this means to me. Im serious, you guys have done more for me than my family ever did." He sits on his bed and looks around. "If you dont mind me asking.......how did your father die?"
I lean against the wall "My mom had an affair with his best friend, she was torn between the two but in the end she called it off with his best friend. Well he was so obsessed with my mother he stalked her and when she told him she didn't want to speak to him, something snapped and he killed my father. Its been almost a year since that happened. And I still haven't full forgiven mom for it yet."


"Well at least you got to know your dad, mine left when I was 4. I vaguely remember him but honestly, Id rather not even know him."

Jeff has it harder than I do now.....damn.

"Its getting late. I have a ton of homework to do."

Jeff chuckles "Ok goodnight"

I shut his bedroom door and go to my room.

I lay down on top of my bed and think, I think about dads murder, Jeff, Mom, and even what is gonna happen to Jeff when he gets out of here. And I slowly Drift to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2015 ⏰

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