The New Neighbors

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The day goes by fast. When I get home from school I look and we have people moving in next door.

One steps outside, a young man, about my age. He has jet black hair and pale skin, he needs to get out in the sun more.

"Josh!" My mother yells. "Josh come inside there's someone I want you to meet!" She waves for me.

I walk inside and see a woman sitting at the counter. She has jet black hair just like the man I saw.

"Josh this is Karen. She is our new neighbor. She has a son your age and twin daughters Jessica's age."

I smile and nod "Welcome to the neighborhood Karen."

"Thank you. My son will be joining your school tomorrow, He's pretty nervous. He's not really all that well at making new friends. If it is not trouble would you mind showing him around on his first day?" She asks.

I nod "Sure it'll be my pleasure! If you don't mind may I go over to your house and introduce myself to him?" I ask.

She smiles at me "You go on ahead dear! Your sister is already over there talking to my daughters!"

I laugh and drop my stuff in my room,

I head over to the house. I get such an odd feeling when I step on the property. Like a feeling of danger or a ghost. No, I'm not going nuts!

I knock on the door.

The young man opens the door "Hello There." He has big gold eyes.

"Hello, my name is Josh. I live next door. I came here to welcome you and your family to the neighborhood." I reply

He smiles "Oh well thank you! I'm Jeff. Come inside!"

We walk into the kitchen and I see Jessica "Hey bro! Glad you finally showed your face around here! This is Hannah and harmony. Jeff's little sisters."

"Pleasure to meet you ladies" I smile at them.

Jeff leads me to the family room "So Jessica is your sister."

I snicker "Yeah, you know your mother is over at my house right?" I ask.

He sits down in a loveseat "Yeah. She's been over there a while. My dad is unloading our stuff still. What about yours?"

I look away. "My dad has been dead almost a year."

Jeff gives me a shocked look "Dude Im sorry if you don't mind me asking, how?"

"We came home one night and he was murdered. Turns out his best friend did it," I reply.

"Dude that's rough. I'm sorry."

I nod "Its fine, no worries."

After moments of silence Jeff speaks up. "So how is the school? Im not really good at making friends. You know?"

I laugh "The school isnt ba, ive never had to worry about i guess bullies and stuff like that. And its kinda small so you cant get lost."

He smiles "Haha alright great."

"And i'll help you to your classes on your first day." I say as I get up from the seat.

"Really? Thank you so much!" I says happily.

This kid really must not be good at making friends. He's kinda odd.

I look at the time "Well I should be going I need to get home."

He gets up and walks me to the door "Hahaha alright." His laugh is so weird. "Well thanks for vistiting!"

I nod "No prob dude! It was great meeting you." I wave and walk to my house.

My worst nightmare (Jeff the killer)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin