I miss you

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Your POV:
Camila and I haven't seen each other for a week because she is on tour and I already miss her, but that's going to change.

You: Hey babe 😘👋

Future Wifey 💍: Hey y/n 😘

You: How's tour?

Future Wifey💍: Boring with out u 😞

You: Aww don't worry baby I'll come visit in a couple of days 😊

But Camila didn't know that I'll be there in a few hours

Future Wifey 💍: But I can't wait 😖

You: I luv u so much ❤️ but i have 2 go ttyl 😘

Future Wifey 💍:Luv u too 😘❤️

Camila's POV:
We were done performing for the night and went back to our hotel to go sleep. The girls went to my room just to hangout for a bit. Y/n and I texted a little bit, but for some reason she had to leave early. I hope she's not cheating on me? No she wouldn't do that, I trust her.

Anyway I got off the bed and went into the restroom to go change. I heard the girls opening the door and them saying 'aw' but after that it was all quiet, then I heard whispers.

"Hey who was that," I came out of the restroom and started to walk over to my bed. "Oh no one," Dinah said, laying next to me.

Ally and Normani were watching something on the tv, while Lauren was on her phone.

I heard some sounds coming from the closet. I got up from my bed and asked the girls if they hear the same thing that I heard from the closet, but they all nodded no. I walked over there to the closet and started to open until I saw y/n.

I ran to y/n and hugged her

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I ran to y/n and hugged her.

"Am I dreaming," I asked her. "No your not I'm actually here," she pecked my lips.

"Wait why were you in the closet?" I asked pulling away from the closet.

"Cause she's gay," Lauren screamed to us. Y/n and I just giggled at Lauren's comment.

"I was in the closet because the girls thought it was a romantic thing if I hide in the closet and surprised you, but when I was about to call you my phone fell and that's when you opened the door," she picked her up her phone from the closet floor.

"Well I'm happy my baby's her," I kissed her passionately.

"Okay I think that's my cue to leave," Normani said and got up from couch and started to walk to door. "Mine too," Lauren said and went with Normani. Ally and Dinah started to get up and go too.

Soon after that all of the girls left. It was now only y/n and me.

Your POV:
I started to text Lauren to see what Camila was doing and she said Camila was in the restroom. I then knocked on the their hotel door.

Room number 414

The person in front of me was Ally,"Y/n I missed you!" She gave me a big hug. "Ally not to loud,"I whispered to her."Sorry," she whispered back.
When we went out of our hug the other girls started to join too. Then I couldn't breathe.

"Guys to... to tight," I said trying to get breathe

The girls pulled away with a sorry look on their face.

"Oh we're sorry we just missed you," Normani said and pulled away. "Well I missed all of you guys too," we went in for one more group hug.

I sat on the bed. Dinah yelled/whispered to me,"y/n what are you doing on the bed!" I gave her a confused look,"What I'm just sitting here?" Dinah got me off the bed,"Well you have to something special."

I showed her the bananas and flowers.

"Well that's not special enough," Dinah said opening the closet door.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I questioned her.

She gave me smirk and pushed me into the closet. I banged on the closet door. "Dinah let me out of closet I don't want to be in the closet anymore!" I tried to yell, but I remembered if I yelled Camila will hear me and it wouldn't be a surprise anymore.

It was really dark, so I got out my phone to put the flashlight out on, but soon I got a text from Dinah.

Bad Bitch 💅: Thank me later and this is romantic becuz u get to pop out later also u can come up with a 'coming out of the closet' joke. Luv u ❤️

I soon gave in to Dinah's plan. I got out of the flashlight mode and tried to find Camila's contact, but being my clumsy self dropped my phone. I went on the floor and touched around the floor so I can find where my phones went, but then someone opened the door.

* a few minutes later *

The girls left and that only left Camila and I. So we went to her bed and cuddled while we watched a movie.

I woke up with Camila in my arms. She turned so now we where facing face to face. Then started to kiss her cheek, nose, and forehead. She started to wake up.

"Morning," I said scooting closer to her.

"Morning," Camila said with a raspy voice.
So how did you enjoy this imagine? And should I start taking requests? Anyway leave a vote/comment. I'm sorry for any mistakes

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