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Camila POV:
The bell rang, telling us to go to our next class. I walked into my next class, math. I saw Miss. Y/L/N telling us to take our seats and to be silent.

I usually sat in the middle of the class room, but when it comes to Miss. Y/L/N... GOD.

One word... beautiful.

"Camila," I heard Miss. Y/L/N called on me to answer the question.

"Uh... yeah?"

"What's the answer," Miss. Y/L/N said tapping her pencil on the desk, waiting for me to answer the question.

"Umm... 4?" I said unsure.

I heard some people giggle in the back.

I saw a boy raised his hand and spoke with a smirk on his face,"Miss. Y/L/N can I tutor Camila."

"No thank you Austin, I think you should just focus on yourself," Miss. Y/L/N said showing Austin his grades and the look on his face, it didn't look like he had good grade. The same kids started to laugh again.

* A few hours later...*

Your POV:
Everyone left the classroom after the bell rang. "Camila can you please stay," I said while shutting the door.

She replied by nodding her head and started to walk towards my desk. "Yes Miss. Y/L/N?" She asked innocently/seductively.

"Cut the act," I put my arms on her waist and started to pull her closer. "What ac-" before she can finish her sentence I pulled her into a kiss.

We pulled away until air became a problem.

I carried her onto my desk and started to kiss her neck. She moaned a little.

Before we could go further we heard a knock on the door. I helped Camila off the desk. We both started to fix our clothes.

"Come in!"

The door opened and I saw Austin. "Fucking cock block," I mumbled under my breath. I'm pretty sure Camila heard because she was trying to hold in her laughter.

"What was that Miss. Y/L/N?"

"Oh... I said what are you doing here?"

"I was here so I can drop Milz off at her house," He said with a smirk.

I cringed so hard at the nickname Austin gave her.

"Okay let me just speak with Camila a few more minutes," I said trying to shoo Austin away. I think he didn't get the hint.

"Outside," I said in a duh tone.

"Oh... sorry," Austin then started to walk outside of my classroom.

When he closed my door, I started to walk to Camila. I put hands around her waist.

"Y/N please don't be mad," Camila started to put her hands around my neck.

"No don't worry I won't, I also think he will get a clue that your mine," I said pointing to her hickey on her neck.

She sighed at the purple spot on her neck. "Ughhh Y/N what are my parents going to say about this?"

I looked around the room trying to find something that will cover it up. "Hold on a I believe I have a scarf in my bag."

I searched in my bag and saw a scarf that my grandma knitted for me. I laughed at the sight,
Camila wearing the scarf because my grandma can't knit for her life.

I handed the scarf to Camila and she gave me a disgusting look.

"Please don't tell me I have to wear this awful scarf," she still gave me a disgusted face.

"Hey my mawmaw made that for me," I pouted

She pecked my lips," Then I love it!" She started to put the scarf on her neck.

I heard someone yell through the door,"Are you guys almost done!" He whined like a little kid. "Almost!" Camila responded back.

Camila pointed to her neck,"Y/N I will get you back for this." I giggled because she was trying to sound threatening.

Camila started to head towards the door,"Wait." I said holding her hand, pulling her back to me. I kissed her passionately, we pulled away.

"I love you," I said give her a kiss on the cheek

"I love you too," she pecked my lips one last time.

She then opened the door," Thank you Miss. Y/L/N."

"No problem."

When I was walking towards my desk I heard Austin say,"Camilla what took you so long?" I sighed.

*Next day*

I walked into my classroom and saw my students all sitting and waiting patiently for me. I started to get there work out until Camila spoke in front of the whole class,"Miss. Y/L/N why is your neck purple?"

I looked up and saw Camil smirking. Everybody started to 'ooohhhhh'

"Get some Miss. Y/L/N!" A student yelled in the back. I have him a glare.

I looked back at Camila and she mouth to me 'Pay back' then smirked back at me.

Camila Cabello imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now