Chapter 4

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"So, where you two going?" Mikey looked between me and Maria.

"I have a doctor's appointment."


"Will you just drop it, I have to go." I hissed.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" He hissed right back.

Maria grabbed my hand and took me out to the car. I couldn't help but start to cry. These hormones are driving me insane.

"Hey it's okay." She squeezed my hand trying to comfort me.

"No, I was such a bitch."

"You can't help it, you're pregnant. Mia, you need to tell him."

"I will today and show him the ultrasound picture."

"I can't wait to see my little niece or nephew." I smiled and placed my hand against my flat stomach.

I didn't need Kyle. I could do this all by myself. My baby and I were going to do just fine without him.

We pulled up to the doctor's office and went inside. I signed in and went and sat down.

"You nervous?"

"Of course, what if something is wrong?"

"Mia calm down, the baby is fine."

"It's scary."

"I know it is and I'm here to hold your hand."

"I wish I had my mom here." I sighed looking the other way.

"Are you going to tell them?"

"I don't know. I'll probably have the baby, then move out before she can freak on me."

"Mia Pryor." A nurse yelled.

We got up and followed the nurse back to the room. I sat up on the table and she took my blood pressure and everything.

"Are you nervous?"

"A little bit."

"It's normal, just relax sweetie it's better for you and the baby." She smiled at me and I nodded my head.

"Dr. Jones will be with you soon."

"Thank you." She left, and Maria moved closer to me.

"You heard her, you need to relax."

"When you're pregnant and I tell you to relax, you will see how hard it is."

"No babies for me."

"Yea we'll see. Once I have this one, you will be begging my brother to have a baby."

"Nope we have your baby."

The doctor came in and smiled at us.

"How are you two doing?"

"Good, she won't relax though." Maria told her, making me groan.

"It's normal, how's your morning sickness been?"

"Been good, it's letting up finally."

"That's good. If it gets severe again come in and see me, and we will see what we can do. Are you taking your prenatal?"


"Good, do you have any questions for me before we start?"

"When can we find out what the baby is?"

"Around twenty weeks. Ready to see your baby?"

"Yes!" I smiled widely.

"Okay, I need you to move your shirt up to just under your breast and move your pants down to your pubic line." I did what she said as she set everything up.

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