Chapter 12

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"I'm nervous." I pouted looking up at him.

"Everything is going to fine, plus Kelly will be there."

"I know, but it's your parents."

"I met yours and see how that went."

"True, but."

"We can just leave early okay. Plus Shane will be meeting them for the first time."

"I know, but I'm nervous for her too. If your dad is anything like my mom then I'm worried. She doesn't do well with people like that."

"Everything will be okay, I promise."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Let's get the munchkin and go."

He leaned down, pressing his lips to mine kissing me softly. Slowly we pulled apart, but I still clutched onto him.

"Shane, come here baby girl." She came over and stood right in front of us.


"I guess."

"Stick with me." I told Shane. I smiled at her as I pulled her into my side as we walked to the car. We got in and went to his parents. The whole time I was squeezing his hand.

"Guess this is just practice for when you're in labor." He smirked and I dug my nails into his hand.

"Oh, this is nothing compared to what that is going to be like." I smirked at him and he actually looked scared. We pulled up to the house and I became more nervous. He got out of the car and I slowly got out, Shane got out quickly grabbing my hand. I squeezed it as we walked up to the door. Kyle knocked and pulled me closer as I did the same to Shane. The door opened and Kelly was there, so I was relieved.

"Hey guys." Kelly smiled

"Aunt Kelly."

Shane moved from me and quickly went over giving her aunt a hug.

"Hi munchkin." She pulled away and came back to me.

"Come on, let's go sit down." I followed him and we went in the living room. I pulled Shane so she was sitting on my lap with my arms around her.

"Where are the kids?"

"They will be here in a minute." I nodded and turned Shane so she was looking at me.


"I just wanted to see your cute face."

She smiled and rested the back of her head to my shoulder. Kyle came in with someone behind him, his mother moved from behind him and smiled at us.

"Mom this is my girlfriend Mia and our daughter Shane."

"She is so beautiful." She smiled looking down at Shane.

"She is. Shane this is your grandma."


"It's okay."I told Shane.

She moved and slowly went over to her grandma.

"Hi sweetie."

His mom pulled her into her arms and hugged her tight. Once she pulled away Shane came back to me. I stood up and she came over giving me a hug.

"You are beautiful. I don't know what you're doing with my son."

"Me either." I smirked at him, while he just smiled at me.

"Love you too baby."

"Oh I'm sorry I'm Teddy."

"It's nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you."

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