Chapter 11

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"Momma, I don't feel good." I turned over finding her standing in the doorway.

"Come here baby, mommy doesn't feel good either." I opened my arms and she came over lying next to me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me.

"What's going on in here?" Kyle came in frowning.

"We don't feel good."

"That's not good. How about daddy stays home and take care of you two?"

"But you have work." I frowned.

"I'll call off and call in for the both of you."

"Thank you."

He came over kissing both our foreheads, before leaving. I kissed Shane's head as Kyle came in with a bucket.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Put on a movie for us."

"Okay and I'll bring you some medicine." I nodded then, quickly jumped up running into the bathroom throwing up. Kyle came in rubbing my back, pulling my hair back. Once I was finished he cleaned me up.

"Do you think you're pregnant?"

"But Shane is sick."

"She's a kid. She's going to get sick."

"Kyle." I groaned.


"Go get a test." He smiled, leaning down kissing my forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Nothing to her."

He nodded helping me up and bringing me back over to the bed, where Shane was watching her movie. I smiled at her and bringing her into my arms.

I'm hoping there is a little baby growing in my belly. Shane would be an amazing big sister. Kyle left with a big smile on his face. I know he couldn't wait to be a daddy again. I had the perfect idea to tell her too, but I had to wait until she felt better.


"What baby?"

"Where did daddy go?"

"He went to the store, he will be back."

"Are you going to grandpas tonight?"

"No, I'm staying here with you pumpkin." She nodded and curled into me more.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

I kissed her forehead and watched her as she fell asleep. After about twenty minutes Kyle came in with a huge smile on his face. I carefully pulled away and went in the bathroom with Kyle. He handed me the tests and I sat down taking my first test.

"My mom is going to kill me." I groaned.


"We're supposed to be going there tonight, but Shane is sick."

"She will understand."

"We'll see."

I took the test and set them on the counter.

"Take off your shirt."

"Why?" I frowned looking him over.

"I'm a doctor." I sighed, taking off my shirt and he looked at me.

"How are your boobs?"

"A little tender, do they look bigger?"

"A little bit."

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