Chapter 2

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"There's my girl." I turned around slapping Kyle in the face.

"I'm not your girl." I hissed.

"If you say so."

He pulled me close while I struggled to push him away from me.

"Come on, your brother isn't here."


He smirked, leaning in pressing his lips to mine. As much as I don't want to admit it, his kisses made my body set on fire. Before I knew it, we were up in my room. Kyle laid me on the bed and started placing kisses down my neck.

"Mia." I heard my brother yell so I quickly pushed Kyle off of me.

We both don't need my brother seeing us like this. I got up and went downstairs while Kyle went to Mikey's room. Turns out Kyle is the new guy on the football team. Since the party, Kyle has been hanging around a lot, so him and Mikey are getting close.

"Did you go to the store?" He asked.

"Not yet. I was getting ready to go actually."

"Is Kyle here?"

"Yea he's up in your room."

"Alright thanks."

I nodded before quickly leaving the house. Its been only a couple of days since we met and we've hooked every day since then. I guess you could say we are friends with benefits. No one knows about us besides Maria and I would really like to keep it that way.

"Hey there girly." Maria smiled coming over to me.

"Hey, you here to help me shop?"

"Sure, so how are you and your man?"

"Shut up. He is not my man. We are nothing and we will never be anything."

"I have a feeling it's not going to work out that way."

"What are you thinking in that head of yours?"

"That you two will catch feelings and fall in love."

"I don't see it." She smirked while we went up and down the isle's looking for food.

The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. Kyle and I don't have a future and that's fine. I'm not ready to settle down and I know he's not either.

We purchased all the groceries and headed back to the house.

"Need some help here."

The guys came running down and helped up bring in the groceries inside.

"Look who I found?"

My brother smiled and went over giving his girlfriend a kiss. They were cute and sometimes I was jealous of them. I've had boyfriends but they never really worked out.

"So, we ordered pizza and decided to have a movie night."

"What just the four of us?"

"Unless you have a boyfriend we don't know about." I groaned while Kyle just smirked at me. My brother and best friend will be all cuddled up to each other while Kyle and I just sit there awkward.

"Whatever I'm going to take a shower, you guys finish putting things away."

They groaned while I ran upstairs. I grabbed my clothes going into my bathroom stripping off my clothes. Showers are my happy place. There was a knock on the door making me groan.


"I thought you could use some company."

"Fuck off." I yelled at Kyle hoping he would just go away. With my brother here there was no way in hell I was going to do anything with him.

"Oh, come on."

"Leave before I come out there and kick your ass."

"Go for it."

I quickly finished my shower and dried off before pulling on my clothes. Of course Kyle was on the other side of the door. His smirk dropped once he realized I was wearing clothes.

"You really think I would come out here naked?"

"A guy can hope."

"You're such a pervert."

"You love it. Pizza is here by the way."

"Okay I will be down in a minute, now leave me alone."

I threw the towel at him and he left the room. Slowly I went back into the bathroom so I could fix my hair. Once I was satisfied with my bun I made my way downstairs. Everyone was sitting around the counter just eating their pizza. Of course the only spot open was next to Kyle. Sighing I walked over getting a piece of pizza before sitting next to him.

"So, what are we going to watch?"

"I was thinking an horror."


"Why you scared?" Kyle smirked.

"Yea right. I don't feel like having this one all curled up to me."

"Oh, come on you know you want me to."

"Just go home." He smirked giving me a kiss on the cheek before I slapped him.


That earned him another glare before I went into the living room curling up. Mikey and Maria came in curling up with each other. Kyle came in and sat down away from me. Apart of me wanted him to sit next to me while the other part was glad he didn't sit next to me.

Half an hour my brother and best friend were in a full on make out session. Kyle turned to me with his famous smirk.

"Think they would notice if we joined them?"

"No, but there is a possibility." He nodded going back to the movie.

"I'm going to get popcorn."

I quickly got up and went to make the popcorn.

"Think they should get their own room."

"Looks like you have to go home tonight."

"Nope, I think I'm just going to curl up with you."


He walked over and pressed me against the counter.

"You know you want me too."

He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, making me moan. I tugged on his hair and he picked me up setting me on the counter. The door opened and I quickly pushed him away. Thankfully it was only Maria.

"You're lucky."

"I know."

"Hey what's going on in here?"BMy brother came in making me nerves run high.

"Nothing, I was just making popcorn."

"And I needed break from seeing you guys have sex on the couch."

"We were not having sex."

"Close enough."

"Whatever I'm going to take my lady upstairs."

Maria went over to him where he wrapped his arm around him.

"Kyle, your more than welcome to crash on the couch."

"Or how about I take my best friend for the night and you get him?" I tried to mine plead with him.

"No deal."

Mikey pulled her away and they went upstairs. I turned back to Kyle who was frowning at me.


"You have that longing look."

"I'm just happy for them."

"Sure, come on let's go to bed."

He walked over to me and we went upstairs. We changed before curling up on the bed. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.


"Be quiet." I nodded, pressing my lips back to his.

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