Chapter 16

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I heard knocking on the door then Kyle started talking.

"Shane wake up." He yelled. I quickly got up and went to get him away from her.

"Kyle." I hissed.

"Hey babe." He smirked.

"Mommy." Shane came out looking scared.

"Go in my room." She ran past Kyle and went into my room shutting the door.

"What are you doing?" I hissed at him.


"You're drunk."

"No, I'm not."

"Look who you're talking to Kyle."

"My wife."

"Exactly, I know what drunk looks like. Now go lay on the couch."


"Yes." I went to him and grabbed his hand pulling him to the couch.

"Kyle Patrick Dawson, sit down and go to sleep." He pulled me down so I was on top of him.

"Let's go back to the first night we met." He smiled.

"How about no. I'm already pregnant and our daughter is right there."


"Kyle stop it." He placed his hands on my belly and I was getting nervous.

"Hey baby." He smiled.

"Good night Kyle."

"Night Mia."I pulled away from him, going back to my room where Shane was hiding underneath the covers. I locked the door and went to lie on the bed.

"Come here baby, its okay." She moved from underneath the covers and came over to me. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her close to me.

"What's wrong with daddy?"

"He's had too much to drink. He will be fine in the morning."

"Why did he drink so much?"

"I don't know go back to sleep Shane." She leaned up kissing my cheek making me smile.

"I love you momma."

"I love you too." I kissed the top of her head and went to sleep curled up with each other.


I woke up to my alarm and got Shane up and ready to go. Maria was going to take her, so I could talk to Kyle.

"I'm hungry."

"Aunt Maria is going to get you McDonalds."

"Yes!" I smiled kissing her cheek.

"Go brush your teeth real quick, so I can do your hair."

She ran off to brush her teeth, then came back into her room so I could do her hair. Once I was done I grabbed her bag and we went downstairs. Kyle was still lying on the couch sleeping, good now I can wake him up. I saw Maria pull up so I took Shane outside.

"Hey munchkin." Maria smiled.

"Can we get McDonalds?"

"In a minute, I'm going to talk to your mom."

"Love you baby girl." I gave her a quick kiss.

"Love you momma." She got in the car and I turned to Maria.

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