Chapter 52

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Katniss's P.O.V.

I'm sitting in front of a stage within the huge audience. Caesar came out on stage introducing the first 'guest'. A young man the age of about twenty was talking. He reminded me of Cato but his hair was black, and possibly tinted blue. That was strange. It was almost as if I was watching an interview for the Hunger Games, but that boy would've been from District 1 and even though they are very wealthy he wouldn't have blue hair.

I couldn't really hear what was said but soon after a girl in similar clothes came on. Another boy was brought on after her, followed by another girl. This carried on and it wasn't until I heard a small girl about the age of fourteen say,

"I hope to follow in the footsteps of Miss Everdeen. But I wouldn't save a boy!" The audience laughs as the camera's zoom in on my face. I now realise what is happening. It's the Capitol Games, and that was Snow's granddaughter. 

Without hesitation, I stand up and start barging through the crowd to get onto the stage. Once I get there I stand by Caesar and look around. Caesar asks me different questions such as, "What do you think of the Tributes?", "Who are you betting on?" and "How does it feel to be mentoring Snow's granddaughter?" 

I stand frozen as the tears drip down my face, breath caught in my throat. As the stage starts going dark I manage to shout out,


The next thing I know I'm watching as the Tributes wait for the countdown to end. It's exactly the same as my arena. My shouting gets louder but nobody can hear me. As I move forward it's like there's a pane of glass seperating me from them. I bash my fists against it and scream for it to stop, but nobody can hear me. 

"Katniss, KATNISS! Wake up!"

My eyes shoot open and I sit up in shock. I can feel arms around me and as my eyes adjust to the bright sunlight flooding the room, realise it was a dream. I wrap my arms around Peeta and realise I'm crying and shaking. As the tears turn to sniffles and the shaking stops I hear Peeta's soothing voice say,

"Shh, don't worry, it's canceled. I promise, it won't ever happen again."

"What?" I say confused. How did he know what I dreamt about?

"You were screaming and shouting in your sleep." We pull away and I wipe my eyes. After my trial him and Haymitch convinced the other victors for me that everything to do with the Games should be banned as it brings up to many painful memories for everyone. 

We sit and chat about normal things and Gale and Finnick join us after about an hour. They still had to go to training. I wasn't aloud to run or train to hard and Peeta had to be with me to help.  We chat about their training and Nurse Love-Joy brings us all in some food. Me and Peeta slept past lunch and the boys were peckish. 

At 3pm, the boys and I walked, well I limped slightly, down to the Weaponry Centre. They offered to carry me or push me in a wheel chair but I need to get used to walking. I can't afford to miss any training. We could be commisioned at anytime. At least the stitches should be out and bandages should be off by tomorrow.

Once we make it to the Weaponry Centre, we are greated by Beetee. It's the same room I had gone to before. After lots of identification precautions, we are taken into the main area. 

"Now, let's just get on with introducing the weapons, shall we?" Beetee says and we all agree. 

"Peeta, Gale? You both have guns. Now, you can fire bullets and darts at your target. You have a precision aiming viewer and can fire whatever amount of ammo at a time you want." He hands the the guns along with the ammo and they walk over to the target practice to test their guns.

"Finnick? This is your new trident." He says handing a silver metallic trident over. Finnick's eyes are shining."It's similar to the one you had before. It will return to your hand on your command, but there is an extra added feature to it. Once you have thrown it if you shout 'Annie Odair' it expands, making it able to hit more than one target if they are stood next to each other. Also, it'll return to your hand if you shout 'Mags'. And if you turn it over," Finnick does as Beetee says. There is a picture of Finnick and Annie on their wedding day on the other side. I suddenly remember something. 

"Shit! Finnick, when's your baby due? And do you know what it is?" I say. The boys look over and Finnick chuckles before saying, 

"HE is due in just under 4 months. November the 28th, and he expects his Auntie Katniss and Uncle Peeta there to celebrate." I squeal, before running over to Finnick and hugging him. They all laugh at my reactions and then Finnick goes over to test his trident and the boys get back to theirs.

"Katniss, the bow." He hands me a bow that is practically identical to my father's bow. My smile increases. "I copied your father's design before adding my own variations to it. It is the same as a generic bow but, it can conceal three extra arrows inside, without adding any weight to it. That way if you lose your sheath at all, you have at least three spare. I also have another kind of arrow. It is pretty blunt so not necesarily lethal, but it has a sleeping draught on it. For example if you shoot someone in the leg with one of these arrows, it will knock them out for 12 hours. Now do you want to do target practice or holograms?" 

"Holograms please, but if Peeta is effected by them, turn it off and get me to him as soon as possible okay?" He nods and I walk over to the simulator.

I load my bow with my arrow, and sling the sheath over my shoulder. The first hologram runs from the left. I shoot with ease and the hologram disappears. Not bad for my first shot in about 8 months. Two come from the right and I shoot them down, just as another throws a spear at my head. I duck and roll and shoot from one knee. One runs in front straight at me, unarmed, but I can hear one behind me closer. I turn and shoot the hologram before spinning and getting the one in front. Three run from all different angles but I manage to get them all. Finally as two run at me from the side, one behind the other, I use my final arrow to shoot though both of them.

As the simulation finishes, I hear clapping. I see the boys and Beetee smilling and clapping me. I smile and blush before picking up my arrows. We get given our uniforms for the mission and leave to go to dinner. Me and Peeta are finally getting out of the hospital tonight so once we've finished our food, we head back to our room. We watch some television and hang up our uniforms, before settling into bed. I have my stitches being taken out tomorrow and have to be up at 7:30 so I can also get to training on time.

"You were amazing in Weaponry practice today." Peeta says once we're snuggle up together.

"Thanks, wait, you were fine with the holograms today weren't you?" I say smiling. 

"Yeah, I was fine." He says grinning at me. I look at his cute dimples and curls and just.. I just realise how lucky I am to have him.

"I love you." I blurt out, before blushing.

"I'll never get tired of hearing you say that."  

"Good." I say. He leans down and kisses me softly. 

"I love you too." He whispers, before pulling my body to his as we settle down for a peaceful night's sleep....



Sorry for the late update, I've had the flu this week. A few things that need to be mentioned. 

Firstly, thank you sooooo much for the 5k+ reads!! And all  the votes!! It's awesome and I love you guys so much!!! 

Also it's my birthday Tuesday, so I won't be able to update until Wednesday. Sorry :( 

Finally, I forgot to mention that I have uploaded pictures of the 'Mission Outfit' on my twitter so go check it out ;) 

Oooh, and just a quick question. When I look at how many Reads, Votes and Comments I have, what does it mean when they are red? 


<3 xx

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