Chapter 63

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Katniss's P.O.V. 

~Just a warning, this is going to get quite graphic.~

"YOU! YOU WRETCH! HOW DID YOU GET OUT?! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO LEARN THAT YOU CAN'T WIN!" He screams in my face, holding me a good foot away from the ground by my shoulders. He has a huge burn running down the side of his right eye and it's swollen so much, it's forcing it shut. Despite how much pain I'm in right down, pinned up against this rocky wall, I am more concerned about Peeta. I flick my eyes over to wear he is nearly unconscious again. Nicholinus follows my eyes and cackles. 

"Don't worry, I'll deal with LoverBoy later!" He sneers. I struggle and manage kick his rib cage. He grunts in pain and his eyes flash. I look down at my throbbing leg. Even if I could get out of his grip, I couldn't run away from him. 

"Lets have some fun shall we?" He sneers at me. He roughly pulls me away from the wall and throws me onto a pile of broken glass. I screech in pain as the shards imbed themselves into my hands, knees and stomach. He pushes me over onto my back and straddles my hips, wrapping his left hand around my throat. More shards sink into my back and neck. I know if I struggle, my skin will be completely shredded. He scoffs before speaking in a mocking voice, as if he was talking to a young baby.

"Aww Kit-Kat! Are you a bit sore?? I can see your stitches have come out. Let me help!" He sneers, before tracing his fingertips down my body. Tingles go down my spine, but not the tingles I get when Peeta touches me. He reaches the tender, ripped skin and fingers a piece of cord from the torn stitches.. He pulls it roughly, sending a shot if pain through my abdomen. He then begins to painfully, gradually pull the whole length of it out. I can feel the cord sliding through my ripped flesh, causing the friction to add more pain to my broken body. 

He suddenly pulls it out hard, casing the remaining skin to split and bleed. I growl in the back of my throat. He chuckles menacingly before pulling out a long curved knife. My eyes widen in fear, but I try not to show it. I take one last look at Peeta. Finnick is crouched next to him, helping him sit up. I look back at Nicholinus, trying not to draw to much attention to the fact the Finnick looks completely unarmed. And I'd rather him focus more on Peeta then me anyway. Gale and Johanna are making their way over to them and I can see that neither are too badly injured.

The blade is brought down onto my already bleeding wound. and he slowly increases the size of the wound by sliding it across the skin on my stomach. My abdomen is on fire and the pain is excruciating. I mangled scream comes out from my throat and tears run down my face. I look and see Peeta and Finnick snap their heads over to me, and Gale and Johanna look over from where they are. It's then I hear Finnick shout,

"Mags!" His trident flys through the air into his outstretched hand and he immediately launches at Nicholinus. He quickly rams the knife into my stomach before the trident sinks into his chest and knocks him about 100 metres away from me. I let out another scream as the dagger plunges into me. Peeta tries to run to me, but collapses. Gale and Finnick help him and they run to me. I pull out the knife, whimpering through the pain. Johanna is at my side first and she presses her hands to the wound, trying to stanch the bleeding. She's sobbing quietly.

 "Why didn't you shout for help, Brainless?" She says in a joking matter, through her tears. I chuckle but my head suddenly goes heavy and my eyes can't quite focus. 

"Katniss, no stay awake! Don't you DARE close those eyes!" She says sternly. The boys arrive and Finnick takes off his shirt. Johanna reluctantly removes her hands. Tears are in all of their eyes. I bring a bloody hand up and wipe their tears. The Hovercraft touches down and I see Haymitch dart over, followed by..... my mother. Before I have to really comprehend it's her my eyes go blurry. Peeta presses a feather light kiss on the small blood-less patch on my forehead. Gripping his hand and I whisper,

"I love you, so much." I hear him whisper back a reply before I slip into darkness.............

Peeta's P.O.V.

Haymitch and Mrs Everdeen approach as Katniss tightens her grip on my hand before whispering,

"I love you, so much." I whisper back, "I love you too." before she drifts unconscious. Sobs escapes my mouth as Johanna embrces me in a hug. We both sit there crying as Haymitch helps Katniss onto the Hovercraft. 

We all climb on and I follow the stretcher Katniss is on into a small room. They push my out and I'm forced to just watch behind a glass door. I see nurses bustle around Katniss's mother as they attach wires into Katniss's body and begin sewing up wounds. Before my eyes I see her heart monitor confirm my worst fears. She goes into cardiac arrest. I throw myself at the door as she is worked on with defibrillators. Teras pour down my face like little waterfalls as I call her name ver and over. Her heart rate returns and I let out a sigh of relief. Her mother hooks up a blood transfusion bag and as I drift to sleep I feel Finnick come over and say,

"She'll be alright, mate. This is Katniss, she's a fighter." ...........

I wake up sat in a chair next Katniss's hospital bed. Finnick is sat the other side holding her left hand. I tenderly grab her right and place a small kiss on her forehead. 

Finnick explains how he carried me here and that I've already been treated for my minor injuries. I look at Katniss's dammaged body and wince as I see all of the scars she's going to have. Even though she's well and truly beaten up, she still looks radiant.

Through out the week, Mrs Everdeen, Haymitch, Johanna, Gale, Plutarch and Jaymasson come to visit her, but me and Finnick never leave. Johanna and Haymitch have surprised us and they've been very emotional. It takes a lot out of me to not break down. Annie came over to visit us and showed me a sonogram of her and Finnick's baby. She's got a prominent little baby bump and has that glow about her. I know Katniss will be so excited to see Annie, when she wakes up........

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