Little Message (Not An Update)

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Hey Guys! Unfortunately this isn't an update and I'll most likely delete this note once I have updated.

I do have Chapter 55 in progress, but as I have so much coursework to do at the minute, I haven't had any time to finish it. I will hopefully have it all finished and uploaded by Wednesday evening, Thursday evening at the latest.

Also, I recently had my first negative comment. And I'm not going to lie, it did upset me a little bit. However, I am open to criticism and I am going to take their opinion into account. I was wondering what your guys opinion was. 

I'm not going to write exactly what was written but the comment is still on the chapter if you wanted to read it. It basically said that this person didn't like the fact I write the song lyrics out in my chapters. I would just like to clear a little thing up about this. I write out the lyrics so:

a.) If you want to find the song and read the lyrics along with it you can.

b.) If you want to know what the lyrics are with or without searching the song, you can. And finally,

c.) You can read the lyrics and understand why I chose that particular song,.

Now, I'm not sure if I am going to include any more songs in this story, I will probably add one or two. But I was wondering what your opinion was on this? As I said, I take all critisisms into account and I really appreciate the lovely comments! You guys are truly amazing and I'm so grateful at how patient you're being.

So please, comment on this little message here and let me know! (Please don't be too mean!) I hope to get lots of responses from you guys!

Also 8.6k reads!?!? Where did that come from!?!?  Thank you guys again!! 

Speak to you soon, my lovely, beautiful, fantastic, patient internet friends! :3 


<3 xx

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