chapter 24

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charlotte pov

i woke up to ross and riker shakeing me and asking me what i want to eat, after i told them i asked ross did you carry me onto the plane, ya baby girl i did, thanks, no problem, so how much longer do we have, 2 hours or somthing like that, ok.

baby girl,yeah, you know that tomorrow is our 5 month aniversity, would'nt forget it can you tell me what you have planned, nope, please, nope, pretty pretty pretty pretty...i was cut of by his lips colliding with mine. we than pulled back when we heared the pilote come on over the loud speacker saying 1 more hour and we will be landing in L.A. ross than lifted up the arm rest in between us and i snuggled up with his arm around me. charlotte, yeah, i love you, love you to babe.

ross pov

about 5 minutes latter i heared charlotte slightly snoring and i looked down and she was out, ross stop snoring, riker thats not me thats charlotte, sence when does she snore, i dont know but i think its adorable, at least its not as loud as dad or rocky, we both than laughed. 

about 2 hours or so i was woken up by christine shakeing me, we've landed, ok, do you want me to wake her up, no i'll carry her, ok. once we got off the plane we got our luggage and walked to the car, as i was walking i looked down at my angel when her eyes fluttered open. hey sleeping beautie, hey handsome. as i started to put her down her grip got tighter, what you dont want me to put you down, correct, why, cause it makes me feel like im a princess, well thats correct cause your my princess.

christine's pov

once we got back to the lynch house we all went upstairs to change, charlotte, yeah!!!! can i wear your purple converse, yeah sure, thanks char-bar, IM NOT A CANDY BAR! SO DONT CALL ME THAT!!! but its so cute, no!!!

charlotte's pov

i was in ross room changing and screaming down the hall at christine, when ross came out of the bathroom and asked why does she call you char-bar, a kid in like 6 or 7 grade had a crush on me and thats what he called me, haha ok.

ross, yeah, what top should i wear. he turned around and i was in my shorts and a bra, you should just go like that. a smirk than went across his face, umm no, i was jokeing babe, i now but what top should i wear, what are the 2 options, either the blue one with the yellow zipper in the back or the white lace one thats kinda see through, white one, of course i than rolled my eyes.

as i was putting the top on ross stopped me, baby girl whats that from, whats what from, the scar on your back, oh its nothing its just from hockey, ok.

GUYS ARE YOU READY!!! kiki yelled up to us, YA WERE COMING!!!

ross pov

once we got down stairs i went over to kiki, kiki, ya, the scar on charlottes back whats that from, well what did she tell you, hockey, well its from a car crash, the one your brother died in, no the one were drew was driving us some place and another car ran a red light and crashed into us...christine and i also have one, was drew drunk when this happened, no. we were interupted by riker yelling from the door way for us to come.

once we got to the beach charlotte and kiki joined in with us playing football while the other girls tanned, while charlotte was running down to the end zone i picked her up and ran into the water and threw her, she came up with a smile than walked out to grab her towel.

baby girl, yeah, can we walk, ya sure. once we were half way down the beach i said, i know the scar is not from hockey, ross just drop it, babe you can tell me anything why cant you tell me about this, ross i said dorp it!! she than stormed off i was starting to run after her when kiki yelled LET HER COOL OFF!!!

charlotte's pov

ross i said drop it!! i than stormed off to my house, and straight into my room. i than heared a knock on my door, ROSS GO AWAY. the door than opened and i turned around to see riker faith and christine standing there. oh hey guys, what happened they all said as they walked over to me with tears running down my face. he asked about the scar on my back again, whats so wrong about that riker asked, well theres a story behind it that i have not told your family yet riker.

sorry for the cliff hanger guys... but i will update more this week

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