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When I got into the car from the hospital, the woman who I was told was my mother wanted to sit in the back seat with me. The whole time she held my hand and cried, asking me to remember who she was. Then the man told her to shut up because she was scaring me. I could tell that they were both very sad. Sad that their own daughter couldn't even remember who they were.

"Monica," the man said, "Your name is Monica Louise Jenson. I am your father Roger Stevenson Jenson, and that is your mother, Jeanette Marie Jenson. Did you know that?"

"I'm sorry, I can't... I can't remember. It hurts to think." I said with a defeated shake of my head.

"No, it's not your fault. It's too soon. I promise that I won't ask you anymore questions."

The rest of the car ride was silent. It seemed as if everyone was in a depressed mood. About ten minutes later, we pulled into a little round alcove of cute houses. The man, my father, pulled into the driveway of a two story blue sided house with a fire engine red front door. It was an extremely adorable house and it had canary yellow flower pots lining the walkway to the front door, and they were filled with red geraniums. I wished I could remember living here in this house, but nothing came to my mind and I felt very discouraged. I was just happy that I lived in such a cute house.

"Well," my mother said with a sigh, "welcome home, Monica. Let me show you to your room."

I got out of the car and followed her into the house, while my father unpacked the bags that they had brought with them to the hospital.

The inside was just as cozy and quaint as the outside. It was a very modern house and you walked straight into the white kitchen. I followed her past the kitchen and into the living room, which had glass windows which allowed you to see into the perfectly manicured backyard. I could see a dog house outside and a little pug dog running around. The whole sight made me feel a lot more comfortable.

My mother caught me looking at the dog and smiling, and she said, "That's your dog, Bruno. You got him for your tenth birthday."

"Oh," I said. "Ma'am, I mean mom, can you please tell me how old I am?"

I felt embarrassed to ask, and I could see the sadness in her face.

"It's fine. You just turned 17 years old, two days ago, on June, 30th. Three days after my birthday. School will be starting in a few days and you will be a senior in high school."

"Oh." Was all I could say and I turned my back to her so she wouldn't see the tears forming in my eyes.

What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I remember anything?

I just focused on the grey walls of the living room, and the nice white couch. After a few moments I turned back around and my mother pointed to a fancy staircase that she said led to my room.

I followed her up them, and when we reached the top, it opened up into a huge loft with two doors on one side of the room, and one on the other. There was a girl on the couch, who looked to be a bit older than me. She had platinum blonde hair and when she turned her head, I could see that she had crystal blue eyes. It was such a stark contrast to my black hair and green eyes.

"Who..." I caught myself saying, and my mother interrupted for me.

"Oh you don't remember Kelly?" She asked, like I would remember her and not my own mother. "She's your brother's girlfriend." She then gasped and turned to me.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot to tell you about Logan in all of the haste and confusion! He's your older brother who is only a year older than you, and should be in college, but he claims that he is taking a year off to 'find himself', or so he says, but if you ask me, I think it's just one last year that he can play video games without responsibility." She then cracked a smile, and it was the first time that I'd seen her do it. It really seemed to match her outgoing personality and it actually quite comforted me.

"He's about to be 19, and oh, here he comes now!" She grabbed my shoulders and I saw one of the two doors on the right side of the room open and out walked a tall and lanky boy with black hair and green eyes to match mine.

"Hey Mon!" My brother said as he ran over to me and enveloped me into a huge hug. I felt uncomfortable and I realized that mom probably didn't have time after I woke up and left the hospital to inform him of my tragic memory loss.

"Um, hi," I said meekly with a little wave as he released me.

"Why so quiet? You would usually punch me if I tried to give you a hug."

"Please, Logan, we need to talk in the library, there is something I need to tell you," my mom said as she led him into the single door on the left side of the loft. I assumed that was the library and it piqued my interest.

After the door closed behind them, the girl, Kelly coughed to get my attention towards her. Man, did she look like a fake petty girl. "What's wrong with you Monica? What was that all about?" She said.

"I suppose you haven't heard about my memory then?..."

"No, but from the sound of it, seems to me like you are only doing it for the attention," she said as she sniffed her nose in the air.

What a bitch.

"Well, I don't need my memory to know how rude and obnoxious you are," I said with equal snobbiness.

"Hm, watch yourself Monica, I never did like you. I hate that my boyfriend has to be associated with people like you."

"Hm, well, I hate that my brother has a girlfriend like you."

She just huffed and got up from the couch and walked down the stairs. Guess I showed her. Man, I can't believe I don't remember such a horrible person like her.

I sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands, trying to get a grip on reality, but I kept slipping off of the edge, farther and farther.

About ten minutes later, I heard the sound of the door opening and a weight next to me on the couch.

"Mon, I'm so sorry.." The voice of my brother rang in my head, but not evoking any memories.

Knowing that he probably didn't know what else to say, I said, "it's fine," and mumbled something about probably returning to normal soon enough.

I stood up and my mother opened the door right next to the one Logan exited from earlier.

It was a very big room with lavender walls, and mint green accent pieces throughout the room to pull together all of the colors. I'm guessing mint green and purple were my favorite colors.

"This is your room," my mom whispered, "I'll just leave you to rest for a while. Please come into the dining room in thirty minutes for dinner and then we will all have a family discussion."

"Okay," I replied, and then I turned to her and gave her a hug.

"Thank you for being here for me and understanding everything."

"Of course honey, I'm your mother, I'll always be here for you."

At this, we both started to get teary eyed, so I turned into my room and she turned to the stairs, and I softly shut the door behind me.

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