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As I ate dinner with my family, I tried to avoid any deep questions about school. I didn't want them to know what Andrew did. It would only scare them, and I cared more about my education than a stupid boy.

Luckily, I got through dinner and avoided an confrontational conversations. When I went back upstairs, I knew there would be nothing for me to do, so I went to sleep, but that was easier said than done, because I just kept having visions of Andrew walking closer and closer towards me...

When I finally heard my alarm clock, I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep, and I was crankier than ever. I didn't even I have to see a single person to know that it was going to be a long and bad day for me.

When I was finally ready for school, mom had already left and Elizabeth was parked in front of my house.

I walked outside and opened the car door and slammed it behind me once I was inside.

"Well what's got you all upset?" She said with a disapproving look.

"Oh you want to know?? YOU WANT TO FREAKING KNOW!? HOW DARE YOU EVEN ASK!?" I screamed at hear while pounding my fist on the dashboard.

I know I was probably being a little dramatic, but I was pissed.

"Oh is it about yesterday? After school?" She questioned while nervously laughing and shifting her eyes.

"Well I wonder! You freaking left me. All alone in the parking lot. With no way home, and then to top things off, Andrew almost did terrible things to me, all because you left with some ass wipe!"

"I'm really sorry. I really am! I didn't know that Andy poo was going to go that far with you..." she said, still keeping up the innocent act.

"Andy poo... go that far with me... what the hell are you playing at Elizabeth?"

"Oh dear," she mumbled, "I've said too much."

"Oh no. You are going to tell me everything... right now. No excuses." I said through gritted teeth.

"No no. It's nothing important let's just go we don't want to be late for school."

"Oh quit the act Elizabeth!" I screamed as I grabbed the keys out of her ignition and opened up my car door.

There just so happened to be a storm grate by the sidewalk and I dangled her precious keys over it.

"You tell me everything right now, or oops, I 'accidentally' drop the keys to your car down this drain."

"You wouldn't..." she said, and I could tell she was getting real mad, real quick.

"You wanna try me, honey, because I will. You just watch." I said smirking.

I then let the keys drop from my hand and I barely caught them before they fell through.

I heard her gasp and then she finally caved.

"Fine! Fine, I'll tell you everything!" She screamed.

"I'm listening."

"Well, I started dating Andrew right after your accident. You always liked him but oh well. We made a bet with all of the other popular people that he could get you to fall for him in a week. It was a 50 dollar bet. We only did it because you were helpless and stupid from your accident. You understand? Don't you?"

"Why would you do that!? What is wrong with you!? I would never fall for that jerk and at least now I know who you really are. I can't believe I ever called you my friend. And you can tell that sicko, 'Andy poo' that the bets off because I know. Not like I could stand him anyways." I yelled at her.

Before she could even reply, I gripped her keys as tightly as I could in my hand, and I threw them straight at her face through the open door.

I heard her scream out in pain, but I turned and ran off before she could even say anything.

I ran down the block as fast as I could. I kept running and running, loosing track of where I was even going. Soon enough I ran up to a park and I saw a bench so I sat down to catch my breath. I then broke down into hysterics.

I don't know how long I sat there and cried, but I finally felt someone sit down beside me. It was a girl with blonde hair who looked my same age.

"Are you okay?" She questioned.

"No. I just found out some things that really hurt me," I replied.

"Oh I'm sorry," she said quietly, "I'm Olive."

"That's a pretty name."

"Thank you. I'm actually going to start to school tomorrow. I just moved here two days ago. Maybe we can be friends?" She said sounding genuine.

I was skeptical to trust anyone right now, but there was something about this girl that was comforting and I wanted her to be my friend.

"Sure," I replied wiping away the tears.

"I hope you feel better..."


"Monica. I just came over here because I saw you crying and I figured you needed someone. I live in the house right across the street from the park."

"Oh. Well thank you Olive. Maybe I'll see you in school tomorrow."

"Maybe," she said with a smile as she walked away.

After a few more minutes of sitting, I stood up and stated waking back in the direction I hoped was home.

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