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After I shut the door, I turned and leaned up against it, so I could take in my room. I saw a white bed in the middle of it, against the wall, and then to the left of the bed, there was a big bay widow that let in a lot of light, and you could see the sun setting perfectly. There was a vanity with a large mirror and in the corner of the mirror, there were two pictures. One with me kissing a boy with brown hair, and then one with me and a girl with red hair.

Who was that boy?

I'll have to ask my mom, even though that is a little embarrassing.

On the other side of the bed there was a small book case featuring books from an author, John Green, I didn't remember who that was and I figured that they were my favorite books. Oh well, guess that means I get to read them all over again. I'm sure lots of people would love to experience reading their favorite book for the first time over again. Lucky me.

I stood over the foot of the bed, and for a moment, I saw a vision pass over my eyes, and it was of me, and the brown haired boy in the picture sitting on the bed kissing.

I felt a blush creeping up from my face, but I was so excited by the vision. It had to be a memory. There was no other explanation for it. I immediately started squealing and I opened my door and started running down the stairs. I followed the smell of garlic bread into the kitchen where my mom was cooking.

She saw me rush in and she said, "Well, Monica, what in the world are you doing running like that?"

"Mom! I just had a vision," I squealed. "It was of me and the boy in the picture, and we were, um, kissing." I started to furiously blush again.

"That's so great Mon! You must be getting some of your memories back, the doctors said this would happen. I just had to have faith that they were right. The boy in the picture is your boyfriend, Jacob Taylor. You met when you were in first grade and you have both been madly in love with each other ever since," she jubilantly laughed as I blushed even harder.

"Oh, well, that's nice," I said, "I just wish I could remember him, and my past. It's just... so so hard."

"I know, honey, but you just have to have faith that things will work out for you. Why don't you go back upstairs until dinner and then afterwards we will all have a family talk about it together and work out our options?" She flashed me a genuine smile, and I couldn't help but return one.

I walked back upstairs to my room, and when I got there, I noticed a nice iPhone sitting on the nightstand next to my bed. It was obviously mine. I picked it up and I had about one hundred texts. About fifty of them were from my boyfriend, Jacob. The previews of them said things like...babe, you okay?...I heard about the accident...I can't get in touch with anyone please tell me you are okay...I visited you at the hospital...you were still unconscious...call me when you get better and I'll come visit you...I love you...

The other fifty were from some girl named Elizabeth who I assumed was the redhead in the other photograph.  She must be my best friend.

I tried to read the other messages from them, but the phone required a passcode, and I obviously didn't remember what it was and I assumed that no one else in the family did, so I threw the phone down on the bed in frustration. I was so furious.

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