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"Madison, Julia's here" I heard my mother shout.
"Coming" I replied while slipping on my vans. I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs. I ran to the kitchen to grab toast and headed to the entrance
"Bye mom" I shouted.
"We're going to be late again Madison" Julia said in an annoyed voice making me roll my eyes.
" Sorry, but I need my beauty sleep" I mumbled with the price of toast in my mouth. "Well that seems to not be working" She said starting the car.  "Hey" I glared at her. She just laughed while heading to school.

We soon arrived and got out the car walking to the entrance only to get stares from people. I smile at the sight of Ethan hanging out with his friends, making my pace quicker.

"Hey babe" I said while giving him a peck on the lips. "Hey maddie" he said while wrapping his arm around my waist. "Are you coming to the party after school" he said. Shit that was today. "Uh I don't know mom said were busy this afternoon, apparently it's really important" Mom told a few days ago her high school friend was visiting from California to New Jersey. "Can't you sneak out?"
"Yeah, unless I want to dig my own grave"
Ethan just shacked his head while leaving one small kiss on my cheek."See you later" Ethan last said while running of to his locker. I smiled down at the floor at the thought what an amazing guy I have. I looked around to see most of the halls empty. I sighed while re-adjusting my backpack and walking to class.

"Your late mrs.Johnson" My English teacher said sternly. "Sorry" I muttered while walking to the back of the class and taking out my notebook. I couldn't concentrate at all and just started thinking of important things that mom would say to me after school. Did she find my book full lyrics? Hopefully not If she had she would have already beaten the shit out of me. I guess I was to caught up on my thoughts I hadn't relished Mr.Joseph had passed down our homework. I quickly packed up and left the quickly. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th period had gone by and know it's lunch. Some people love lunch, but not me. It's we're all the jocks and slutty cheerleaders have their fights and start their drama. I don't even know how I even get involved in their business. I looked around to see Julia sitting down at our table. After ordering my lunch I sit down on the table next to Ethan.
" Johnson" Luke says while giving me a nod.
"Korns" I say while placing a fry in my mouth.

"She not going to the party Luke" Julia states next to me grabbing one of my fries. " Hey" I exclaim while slapping her hand away from my tray. "And yes I can't go, my mom says we're busy with I don't know what" I shoved another fire down my mouth while sip some of my Gatorade.
"Do you think it's about your music" Ethan says next to me lifting his head up from his phone. "I dunno, she said we were going to have guest, so" After a short awkward silence, I heard an annoying high pitched voice that could come from one girl only. And that was Jade George. She probably slept with more than half the people on the football and soccer team. And I'm still here thinking how the hell has she not died from all the STD's she carrying? Honestly, but hey that's none of my business now is it? I look at Julia and fake gag. Julia acts to acts to fake vomit and looks back at the queen bee. "Gosh, she pisses me off so much" I say while grabbing one of Luke's cookies. "Hey" he shouts causing even more attention on us. "Oops" I say while eating it whole. Jade was everything you'd call perfection. Blond strawberry hair, a tiny waist, nice curves and attractive. No wonder she's such a huge boy magnet and slut. I stand up to throw away my garbage only to collide with Jade only to have my fries and sauce smutch against her shirt. "Watch were your going Johnson" She spat while glaring at me. I just sighed and went back to my seat. Poor fries. Lunch was soon over and the school day went by fast.

"Thanks for the ride Jules" I say while shouting the car door. I make it ups to my porch and unlock the door. Thank god it's Friday. Thought to myself.
Sorry if the first chapter sucked. It's my very first book and I'll make sure to try to update about each 2 to 1 day.

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