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"Madison you haven't eaten all day, come down" mother shouted. I groaned in my pillow. It was 7 in the afternoon and so far I've been locked up in my room.

Of course my sad playlist playing in the background kept me company, but also made me cry harder.

"Madison, Honey your mother's worried" knocked Madeline. I groaned and got off the bed and opened the door to see the women holding a tray of food.

I smiled at her, took the tray and told her to tell mother I will be down there after I eat. She nods and heads downstairs leaving me alone.

I closed the door and swiped the food of the tray and let it fall into the garbage bin. I sighed and threw myself back onto my bed.

My phone comes in contact with my forehead making me yelp. I unlock the phone and see that paparazzi had already made its way into my relationship stats. Articles about me and Ethan had spread like wildfire.

A picture of Mikey was placed at the top of an article. Mikey Murphy , soon to be wedded to Madison Johnson. I shut my phone and ran downstairs to see both my parents concerned.

"Madison are you alright?" Mother asked showing concern. I  just glared at her and responded with a simple no and made my way to the kitchen.

"Madison you know this isn't our fault" My father tried saying.

"Of course not, after all your friendship is more important then your only child" I hissed looking through the fridge. My mother sighed and told my father to let me be.

"Madison, Mikey will be transferred to your school tomorrow. I'm hoping you'll be nice and show him around alright?" my mother questioned. I couldn't argue with her, so no wasn't a good idea because then I'd be in huge trouble.

"Mhm" I mumbled opening a can of Arizona tea and chugging it down in one.

"Madison that's not lady like" my mother complained. All I did was shrug, throw the can and walk pass her and made my way upstairs.


"And then she was all like "That's not lady like" I shrieked mimicking my mother voice. Julia laughed and sipped on her coffee. We were currently waiting for Mikey to arrive at school so that I could show him around.

"Classic" She laughed. I laughed with her and looked up to see a familiar white range rover. I swallowed hard and tried not to look at Ethan and his friends.

Our eyes made contact, but he quickly looked away and started making a conversation. I heard Julia sigh next to me.

"Madison it isn't your fault. Plus Ethan should've understood" Julia replied playing with her necklace. I kept quiet and saw the Mikey walking this way.

"Woah" Julia breathed. I could tell she was attracted by him. "Is that him" She asked standing up and fixing herself up.

"Do I look good?" She said tugging on her sleeves and tightening her ponytail. I chuckled and waved at him.

He waved back smiling and running up to us. I jumped from the ledge, grabbed my backpack and made my way to him.

Arranged Marriage • Mikey Murphy (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now