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"I hate him" I mumbled into Julia's shoulder while clinging hard onto her arm. She mumbled an mhm and rubbed my back as we began entering school.

"Don't worry when no ones watching I have these cool pocket knifes maybe we cou-" I cut her off my slapping the back of her head causing her to hiss. I glare at her and cling back to her arm.

"I still have feelings for him dumbass" I whispered fidgeting with my backpack strap.

"I pity him like damn look at what he lost, like yo my best friend is hot" Julia exclaimed showing me off with her walking around me in circles causing me to laugh.

"It's not his fault, you know that" I reply slightly quickening my pace at the uncomfortable looks we were getting. Julia shrugged and continued talking about how I should feel happy and shit.

"Can we put this aside I need to get to class bye Julia " I waved to her and raced upstairs to math, until I tempered Mikey was in the same class.

I entered not making a noise and tried my best to turn my self invisible, but failed as Mikey shouted my name from across the room.

"Hey I just wanted to apologize about last night, I know right now it's tough so I just wanted to see how you're holding up" he tried reassuring me. I picked my chapped lips and nodded at his response.

"I'm okay, seriously you don't have to worry about anything" I told him clearly not wanting him to feel guilty.

"I'll make sure to talk to Ethan, you know like tell him off" Mikey said trying to sound all confident. I smiled at his comment and shoved him lightly.

I sat down and waited for class to go by quickly.

When it did Mikey was the first one to stand up and guide me out the room. We began talking about careers and how he wanted to be a director.

We were really interested in each others conversation we walked towards gym together, sadly Ethan and his group of friends were also in the gym period.

After changing into the nasty uniforms and tying my hair up I was forced to line up with my fellow companions.

"Ok class today we will be playing volley ball" well no shit why else would we have the nets out? "You will be separated into four I will make" Mrs. Scoot emphasized making us groan.

She would always pair all the athletes in one group making it really unfair for the rest of us. After our group making of course Ethan and his teams were all in a group, luckily I got Mikey on mine.

"Yes finally we have someone good" I cried grabbing Mikey's shoulders making him chuckle. We all began playing after the whistle was blown.

After a few round we rotated and soon we were against Ethan's team.
So far it's 17-6, yep of to a horrible start.

I hit the ball causing us to recurve a point and I high five from Mikey. I grinned and accidentally looked in front to see Ethan clenching his fists.

Soon after our team serves the ball comes flying towards me fast aiming for my head. My reflexes kicked in and I moved out the way before I got my head injured.

The ball hit the ground causing a loud boom to echo through the gym, if that would've hit my head I would've probably been in the hospital by now.

I gasped and grabbed the thing nearest to me to prevent from falling E nice happened to be Mikey's arm. And boy were they flexed.

I looked up to see people pointing at Ethan who had a shocked face on when he saw me shaking, not that it was a big deal.

"Madison are you alright baby" he cooed making me cringe at the sudden nickname. I look up at him motionless and went back to my position and tried acting as if nothing happened.

Except Mikey was the complete opposite, with his hands turning a sudden mixture of white and red. Not a pin drop could be heard for the rest of the game.

Guys I'm so sorry for another long update, but since we reached 400 views (thank you so much) I'll be doing a double update tonight ;)))))))

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