E i g h t

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"Hey Maddison" He grinned showing off his pearl white teeth. I smiled back and intertwined our hands together.

He looked confused, but didn't say anything. People began to stare at us, which I ignored.

"Let's go to the main office" I whispered and guided him through the hallways full of teens. I saw Ethan staring at us making me look down at the floor.

After receiving Mikey's schedule we both saw that we only had 3 classes together.

"Here's your first period, math" I motioned to him. He nodded and walked into the classroom. People began to point at our hands so I quickly removed my hand.

The warmth of his hand disappeared making me unsatisfied. We walked to the back of the classroom, when Mr.Green walked in.

"Okay class, we have a new student today, so Mikey if you would introduce yourself" he pronounced flopping down on his  spiny chair.

Mikey's cheeks turned red. He got up and fixed his glasses before saying his name and were he came from. I didn't realize I was staring until he cleared his throat.

I turned my head and began fidgeting with my pencil. After 52 minutes the bell rang and I rushed out the room without being interrupted.

"Madison, yo Madison" I heard my name being shouted. I turned around to see the one and only Luke Korns.
I sighed and walked up to him.

"Heard you met my buddy, Mikey huh?" He smirked. I laughed and punched his shoulder.

"You could've told me he was going to be my fiancé!" I shouted crossing my arms. He gave me a sincere look.

"Look me and Mikey are close, I didn't want to break it to him" he whispered. I was shocked because I was joking at first.

"What! You knew this whole time?" I cried. He gulped and moved away. People were already at class just leaving me and Luke in the hallways.



"Luke" I groaned. He just smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"See if I told you earlier you would freak, and if I told you later on you would freak" he tried to explain doing stupid motions with his hands.

I slapped away his arm and told him to fuck off.

"Geez, love you too Maddie" he shouted. I flicked him off and ran to second period.
The bell rung again insuring us that it was now lunch. Julia was ranting as to how much she hates Mrs. Dovemen, while I just mumbled an mhm in response.

The cafeteria was louder than usual and the lines were longer, which was a surprise as school lunch isn't appetizing.

After ordering our lunches me and Julia made our way to our table, which Ethan was seated at. I looked at her and she seemed to have known as she guided me to Luke's table instead.

When we sat down the whole table looked at us. Luke stopped his conversation with his friends and asked us why we were here.

"Ethan" Julia mumbled while picking at her salad. I looked down at the stale fries when I heard someone take a seat next to me. I looked to my left to see Mikey munching on his burger.

I laughed and gave him a questioning look.

"What?" He said with his mouth full. I faked gag and shook my head before continuing to eat my fries. I gasped as I saw a hand take half of my fries.

"Mikey!" I shrieked. Chris, one of Luke's friends looked up from his book to look at the scene. He rolled his eyes and continued reading.

"I'm hungry" Mikey snickered. I shooed him and turned around to see Ethan staring. When our eyes meet he shifted uncomfortably and began talking to his friends.
Sorry for the late update, but thank you for 200 reads!

Arranged Marriage • Mikey Murphy (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now