Chapter 9

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(Hey Guys! Here's Chapter 9. Remember to follow me and vote for my story... Love ya)

Louis' P.O.V~ (a week later)

Stacey is so adorable. I'm sitting in her room and waiting for her to wake-up. That sounds weird but I'm her dad I have the right. She started stirring in her sleep. I smiled and she woke up. "Morning Daddy!" She cheered. I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Morning Sweetheart!" I said while picking her up, out of her bed. "Dad. I'm not 3." She said while giggling. "I know Sweetheart, but your my BabyGirl. So I get to carry you." I told her while kissing her nose and cheek. "Daddy!" She giggled again. I smiled and carried her, walking downstairs. 

We got downstairs and Harry was making breakfeast. I put Stacey down and whispered in her ear. She nodded and ran over to Harry and hugged him from behind. "HI HAZZABEAR!" She screamed in his ear. He screamed and jumped up. He turned around and saw Stacey. He grabbed Stacey, picking her up. He threw her on the couch, gently and started tickling her. "HAZZA STOP IM SORRY!" She said while laughing. He stopped tickling her and lifted her up. They both walked into the kitchen with grins on their faces."Did you make breakfeast Hazza!" She asked. He nodded. "What did you make?" She asked. "I made Pancakes!" He told her. She giggled and hugged him. "Thank you Uncle Harry!" She said, "Your welcome Princess." 

Stacey's P.O.V~

I smiled and sat at the table. Harry brought me a plate with 6 pancakes and 4 peices of bacon. I gulped.Lately on Twitter, I've gotten more hate about my weight so I've been trying not to eat alot. I sighed and started to take tiny bites. "Stacey, you okay?" Dad asked. "I'm fine. Why?" I asked. "I'm just asking princess." He said. I nodded and looked at my plate. I had eaten one pancake and a piece of bacon. "I'm full." I said. "Stacey, you barley ate anything." Harry spoke up. Dad looked at me. "I'm just not that hungry, gosh." I angrily told them while crossing my arms over my chest. "Young Lady, drop the attitude 1st off and second off okay. Get dressed for school. We start tour soon so you need to go to school until then." Dad said sternly while looking at me. I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs.

I went into my room to get dressed. I went into the shower and washed my hair and body. I got out and dried off. I put my bathrobe on with my slippers. I wrapped my hair in a hair towel and walked out of my bathroom. I plugged my Ipod into my IHome and put on 23. I went over to the closet and grabbed my outfit.I had decided on a pair of skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt, a black hooded sweatshirt, and a beanie. I found my boots in the closet along with my Polkadot, grey and black backpack. I left my hair naturally down and fixed my beanie on my head. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I noticed myself getting a bit thinner but not enough. I went to the bathroom and put my makeup on. I decided on liquid eyeliner and mascara. "STACEY YOUR GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dad screamed up the stairs. "WHATEVER!" I screamed back. "JUST HURRY UP STACEY LYNN TOMLINSON!" He belowed. I looked in the mirror one last time and walked downstairs. 

"Stacey.C'mon you have to get to school." Dad said while gently pulling me towards the car.I groaned. "Stacey Lynn, you've had an attitude all morning, It ends NOW!" He said angrily, yet sternly. "Shut up Dad!" I groaned while crossing my arms and pressing my back against the seat. "Stacey Lynn, your so grounded. For the next 3 weeks before tour, you go to school, come home from school, and do your homework. Other than that besides anything relating to the band. You are grounded, no parties, shopping or anything." He said very sternly. "Dad thats not fair!" I said annoyed. "Yes it is, you acted up and now you pay the price." He said while continuing to drive. "Whatever! " I said while turning my Emblem3 CD up all the way. Dad groaned and turned it down a bit. "Your so lucky that I can't ground you while we are on tour." He muttered. I smirked. "Yea,mhmm whatever." I said while looking out the window. "Stacey. Stop with the fucking attitude." He muttered while tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "Of course Father dearest ." I said sarcastically. I looked over at him and he looked extremely angry. "STACEY STOP WITH THE FUCKING ATTITUDE RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME GOD I'LL .." He yelled. "You'll what." I said. We pulled up to the school and I grabbed my backpack and got out. "Bye dad!" I said while walking away from the car.

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