Chapter 24

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Delia's P.O.V~

I get up a bit happier than these past 2 weeks, well because my bestfriend Stacey is alive. I get dressed in a shirt Hayes got me that Says Hayes and its a baseball tee, a pair of jean shorts,red vans, and my H pendant necklace that Hayes got me. I did a curly waterfall hairstyle in my hair and for makeup I did some skin collored eye shadow. I go downstairs and eat an apple. "Morning Sis." Michael says coming in the room. "Hey Mikey." I say. " Do you want me to pick Hayes up and we can visit Stacey in the hospital for a bit then go to Stacey's and help pick up since the boys havent been taking care of them selves welly since Stacey has been in the hospital." Michael says. I nod and he grabs his keys. "Calum wanna come with us to the hospital!" He yellls. Calum nods and runs downstairs. "Let us be going!" I say running to Michaels car. I sit in the back and Michael plugs my phone in. Suddenly, English Love Affair plays and I look down. "A fan hmm.." Calum says looking back. I groan and continue to sing along with the boys. Next Stacey's song, Strangley Beautiful came on and I sang along. "You sing well." Calum says. "Thank you Calum, it runs in the family." I say. He laughs and nods. Michael smiles as we drive to Hayes's house. We arrive and I run to his door step, knocking. He opens it and smiles. "Hey princess!" He says kissing my forehead. "Hello Babe." i say. We walk back to Michael's car and we start going to the hospital.

We arrive at the hospital and Hayes opens the door for me. I get out of the car and we hold hands, walking inside. We walk to the desk and tell them we are visiting Stacey. Michael and Calum talk to the girl. We tell Calum and Michael that we are going to visit and he nods. We walk to the elevator and I kiss Hayes's cheek. "I missed youuu" He says holding my waist. "Hmm you did now..." I smirk. He nods and kisses me. I kiss back and we kiss in the elevator and when it dings, we quickly jump apart. We see Niall entering the elevator and he smirks. "What were you two doing, your faces are awefully red." Niall says. "Nothing.. Shesh!" I say waiting for the elevator to go to Stacey's floor. The funny thing is she is on floor D and her room number is 1. The elevator opens and we go to Stacey's room. We walk in and the sight is adorable. Daniel is in her bed with her and his arms are around her while she is sleeping in his chest. "Awee" Niall says taking a picture for twitter.

Daniel wakes up and smiles at Stacey. He kisses her cheek. I awee and he looks at me. "When did you guys get here?" He asks. "We just got here, how long have you been here?" I ask. "2 weeks, 1 day." He says. I notice he has bags under his eyes."Daniel go back to sleep, you look awefully tired." Hayes says. "I want to see Stacey again." He mutters falling back asleep in the same position as before. "Niall where is everyone else?" I ask. He looks at me. "They are home showering and bringing Stacey some stuff like her sketchpad and songbook." He says. "Oh okay." I say sitting on the couch across from the bed. Hayes sits next to me and I instantly cuddle closer to him and he kisses my head. Stacey wakes up sudenly. "Good Morning Sunshine!" I say cheerfully, getting up to hug her. "Morning Delia" She says hugging back. "Hey Stace." Hayes says giving her a hug. "Hello Hayes." She says as Daniel snores loudly. She laughs and kisses his head. "He's too sweet!" She says. "Yea he has been here as long as you have." I say. She nods and the rest of 1D walks in.

"Hey babe." Harry says kissing Stacey's head. "Hi Harry." She says quietly. "Hello love." Dani says hugging Stacey tightly. "Hi dan-Dan." She says. Louis hugs her tightly and Stacey hugs back and starts to cry. "I'm sorry daddy." She cries. Louis tells her everything is alright and they hug. Liam and Zayn gives her hugs and She sniffles. Daniel wakes up and gives her a big ole kiss;). She kisses back and they hug. I sit back down with Hayes and we just sit and cuddle. We all talk about random stuff and Stacey asks the dreaded question. "Hey Dad, when do I get to go home?" She asks. "Soon Darling, Soon." He says. She nods and we all start talking about random crap. "Can I have my phone?" She asks. "I dont know if that is a good idea.." Louis starts. "Why not?" She asks. "I dont know if you should be in control of your phone when twitter is where people were tellling you lies." Liam says. She nods and looks as the rest of 5SOS comes into the room. "Luke!!" She yells. Luke comes over and hugs her tightly. "Don't ever do that again." He says. She nods and Calum hugs her. "Hey sweetie." He says. She says hey and hugs back. Mikey hugs her and kisses her head." Please dont do that again." He says. SHe nods and Ashton stays at the door. "Ash, c'mon I want a hug!' She says. He slowly walks over and sobs hugging her tightly. "Please never ever do that again." He mutters. She nods and hugs back crying.They sob for a minute and they are fine. "So, where's Alexa?" She asks. We all look around. "Um she went home for awhile,like back to australia home." Ashton says. Stacey nods and she looks very tired. "Go to sleep." I say. She nods and falls asleep on Daniel and I drift off snuggled up to hayes.

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