IM so so so so sorry ! :(

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Hey guys! Stacey here!

I have some unfortunate news.... I am having writers bock with this story. When I started this story about 2 years ago, I was very lazy with it, and I liked the way I ran things then. Then I started adding intrests and ideas that didnt clash well into this story. I have been trying to come up with some ideas for this story but I cant come up with anything. School is very important to me and my grades arent top notch right now. They are decent but I have a dream of going to Harvard University of Law so my grades have to be up! I will still be updating the other two stories but I might rewrite Natalie Malik and Change things to make them more mature. I started Carrot King I think before I turned 13, thats almost 3 years ago! I am 14 turning 15 in 6 months, my stories should grow with me ya know? This isnt goodbye on this story, I will be finishing the last 9 chapters like I said I would, but it might explain the story and what happened so when I make the sequal like ive planned to, it wont be a mess like how this story has come to. I have almost deleted this story 3 times because ive gotten so fustrated over this story. I really love this story and how ive been trying to write it but sometimes you need to take a break from things in life. This isnt goodbye, I will be back..

I have 2 other stories that you guys might be interested in. The first one is a Magcon/ Youtube story about being Hayes Grier's sister and Shawn Mendes's girlfriend. Its called "The life of Daisy Grier." . It is a very good story and is very successfull for it being out less than a year. I like writing that story because the character Daisy mostly relates to me, which I very much enjoy. I think Daisy is a shy, timid girl who sometimes has her wild side. Daisy is the character in the book that you wont only remember because her name is in the title, but because she is a very relatable character. Push aside having "Social media famous" brothers and a pop star boyfriend, but it relates to my life by having over protective siblings and looking for a boyfriend while trying to maintain a shyness and a quietness. Daisy is actually apart of my middle name and its also my Grandfather's nickname for me. When I came up with the character Daisy, I wanted her to be like me in a sense. Her emotions, some of them were based of emotions I had. Some things that happened to daisy, also happened to me. Im not going to reveal what it was but I knew how to capture Daisy's pain. I also wanted her's and Shawn's realtionship to not seem like it was sped up. When they were in magcon, some of the chapters in my book were like a week between each chapter, so it wasnt like Shawn and Daisy went on one date then started dating it was like 2 or 3 dates before they started dating. Shawn is supposed to be like that caring, overprotective boyfriend. Hayes is supposed to be like the overprotective twin who feels like hes two years older even though hes two hours earlier, and he tries to be like Nash. I made Nash very responisble in this because he is taking care of two 14 year old twins who are gonna be very hormonal. Cam is like Will when Will isnt there. He makes sure all 3 of them behave. I really wanted to make this story very relatable and yet comedic.

The second story you guys should check out that Im writing is called "The Odd Life of Natalie Malik". this story is about a girl named Natalie who is Zayn Malik's younger sister, not the youngest but the worst behaved.  Natalie in the begining of the story was very rebellious but I made her quickly behave because I want it to show how when she was living with her mom, she had issues at that school, so when she moved to the new school that was the main reason why she mellowed down. Niall and Her are probably not going to date in this story but i just dont like the age difference. Natalie Malik takes being a sibling of one direction and also being in the New Directions from the hit show GLEE!! I took two of my favorite things and combinded them to make this perfect story :). I am gonna go through and edit it and maybe change some chapters because some things dont make sense.

Closing this letter thingie, I want to know what YOU GUYS want me to write about next. I have ideas, ill share them below!!

1. A story about being adopted by o2l at age 3

2. A love story with Trevor Moran

3. A twin story with Sam Pottorff

4. A one Direction, 5SOS AU story

5. 5SOS sibling story

6. One Direction adoption story but this time without adding alot to it.

7. A story of a teenage orphan who is Kian Lawleys long lost sister

8. A story of a teenage oprhan who is Tyler Oakley's long lost sister.

9. A JCPenny love story.

10. Adopted by Kiandrea

11.A 5SOS story

12. Troye Sivan's little sister story

13. Prefrences?

14. One Direction love story

15. A Ashton Irwin love story with some Malum

Those  are my ideas! Please inbox me which choice I should use, I want to write about at least 2 of them but idk which two would be the best. Also I want to change my name on here, anyone wanna help decide? Inbox me on whatcha think! Thank you, I love you guys. Also I will be putting all my social media links below.

Twitter.: @StaceyLynnDaisy


YouNow:To be announced.

When my vinee starts working ill put it in another stories chapter when I figure out my name.

Contact info: Message me on Twitter! Just state your business first!

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