Dec. 19 2016

21 0 0

If you say 'cheer me up' I think 'i love you.'
You say 'goodnight' I want to say 'night, love'
I want to say 'l love you.' But I want to wait until I can see you.
If I haven't waited too long, I'd want to see the warmth in you cheeks, see your smile and hear your laugh.
I'm the type of person who checks every round of poker, hoping a good card will be flipped, that an opportunity will present itself. But when the card doesn't flip to what I want, it's revealed that I've waited to long and I should have cut my losses earlier. I'm losing more than I intended to, I wanted to win the round, instead I bust.

I'm afraid that'll happen with you, I'll wait too long and the opportunity will be lost.


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