Chapter 2

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As we approach, I can distinguish a huge brick-colored building with Greek-style columns at the entrance. Ethan parked in a free space in the big parking lot, and when I get out of the Jeep, I let escape a laugh as I look around. The typical scene one hopes to find. Cars of all styles, colors and certainly of different values, are next to each other with their respective owners chatting seated in the bonnet or grabbing their belongings to start the day, couples embraced, etc. Some people wear classic university jackets with the name of a team of American football, baseball or Greek letters, which I guess alludes to the name of some fraternity.

Two girls with the signboard of "college sluts" on the forehead pass by our side. Exaggerated necklines, one is blond with straight hair and the other brunette with curly hair and of course, miniskirts. They wink at my brothers smiling stupidly. They approach them and speak to them in such a low tone that I can't hear what they say, but I assume it shouldn't' be anything that pleases Gray. He narrows his eyes, shaking his head, making a gesture to get them out of his way and stands beside me. But, of course, Ethan smiles openly and throws the keys of his Jeep to Gray. He leaves without even saying goodbye, hugging a slut by the shoulders with each arm. Instantly a sense of disgust takes over me.

Grayson and I rolled our eyes at the same time and then laughed at the coincidence of the moment. At least I know that one of my brothers is not going to abandon me today. He helps me lower my suitcase and then activates the Jeep's alarm. I sigh and we start walking. I watch him for a second and even though he doesn't show it, I know he's nervous, too. Not just for me, but because he wants this to really work. And knowing him, he's going to do it great, even if he's chosen a difficult career. I take his hand and I narrow it; Gray smiles at me in appreciation.

I look up and see a large sign that shows the University logo (an open book with a star on top as to illuminate or blessed it), with its motto below: Let there be light. I hope it's true and the "light" guides me to get away from my dark past. It's what I want and that's what I came for. We enter the campus and my heart goes to a thousand for hour. It is really beautiful.

I see small green spaces with sculptures and a bigger one in the center, where there is a huge fountain. Four brick buildings, with different styles each, surround the garden forming a perfect square. I glimpse trees with multicolored flowers and I aspire the purest air that exists. This place conveys peace and harmony. For the second time in my life, I feel that I made the right decision.

We glimpse the signboard that indicates where the "Administration" is, we approach and we stand in line, waiting our turn. After announcing our names, they give us a notebook with our respective schedules, examination dates and a map of the University, with each "School" (where you study a different career) marked with different colors. My notebook also indicates where my room is, so I'm already anxious to meet my room partner.

- Well, I have to go to the other building, the North Campus ...- Gray says, checking his map. - ... but I think I make time to accompany you to your room to leave your things.

- No, it's okay. I can handle it, don't worry. - I say him with a sincere smile. He responds in the same way, gives me a kiss on the cheek with a short hug and he leaves, I assure him that later we are going to see each other.

I begin to walk dragging my suitcase and consulting my map. I observe everything in awe and surely I have a stupid smile on my face, but I cannot help it. At first glance, this place promises to be quiet and great. I head to the area of the rooms, at Kinsey Hall. I have to climb three stairs to get to my room and the truth is that I don't complain. A little exercise will not hurt me. And that's something more than we share the Dolan triplets,we love sports and exercise in general.

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